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Training of Jokowi, the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia who was dismissed by the PDIP

Training of Jokowi, the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia who was dismissed by the PDIP – The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), is the subject of much discussion because he was fired from his original party, namely the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP).

Jokowi was fired because he was seen as having abused power and undermined democracy.

This is stated in Decree (SK) Number 1649/KPTS/DPP/XII/2024 which was stipulated on December 14, 2024 and signed by PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri and PDI-P Secretary General ( Sekjen) Hasto Kristiyanto.

“…Abuse of power to intervene before the Constitutional Court, which marks the beginning of the collapse of the democratic system, the legal system and the moral and ethical system of national and state life, constitutes a violation of ethics and discipline of the party, described as a serious violation.“, reads the letter regarding Jokowi's dismissal from the PDI-P.

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During his tenure as a leader promoted by the PDI-P, Jokowi was known as a figure of the people and did not hesitate to visit the community to learn about society's problems.

Jokowi is also known for not coming from a wealthy family. However, Jokowi was still able to receive adequate education in order to become the number one person in Indonesia.

So what does Jokowi's educational story actually look like?

Jokowi is known to have received elementary education (SD) at SD Negeri 112 Tirtoyoso, which is located in the Banjarsari area, Solo, Central Java, and is known as a lower-middle class student.

When he graduated from primary school in 1973, Jokowi entered public middle school Surakarta 1. The school is located on Jalan MT Haryono 4, Surakarta, Central Java.

Also read: Teachers' Association highlights a number of things in 10 years from Jokowi, PPDB to PPPK teachers

When he graduated from Surakarta 1 public middle school in 1976, Jokowi wanted to enter Surakarta 1 public high school.

However, at that time, Jokowi failed to enter high school. In this way, he had to undergo training at SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta.

After graduating from SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta, Jokowi was accepted into the forestry department of the Faculty of Forestry at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in 1980.

While studying at UGM, Jokowi was also an active nature lover and became a member of Mapala Silvagama.

Mapala Silvagama is a semi-autonomous organization of the Faculty of Forestry of UGM.

Also read: 10 educational transformations in the Jokowi era, removal of national exams and changes to school curricula

This is information regarding the formation of the 7th president, President Joko Widodo. Aside from his studies, Jokowi has also received numerous awards, both inside and outside the country.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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