The senior Chinese military official near Xi Rumor would have been arrested

The rumors of the senior Chinese official, He Weidong would have been arrested.
Nowsweek Contacted the Chinese Foreign Ministry by email with a request for comments outside office hours.
Why it matters
If he is confirmed, the detention of He Weidong, vice -president of the Central Military Commission (CMC) – an organization of five members led by Chinese President Xi Jinping who controls the People's Liberation Army (PLA) – would mark another major upheaval in the military leadership of China.
His ascent would have been largely helped by his association with XI during Xi's mandate in the Fujian, where he was parked and became part of the so-called Fujian click. He became the head of the Ordinary theater command of the army, responsible for operations linked to Taiwan, from Résimed to Beijing.

Pedro Pardo / AFP via Getty Images
What to know
Zhao Lanjian, an independent investigation journalist whose work includes the light on the incident of the “chained woman” in Xuzhou, said that two sources had confirmed independently that he was arrested.
An investigation into the secretary is also underway, said Zhao, speculating on: “Possible leaks of classified information?”
He added that Zhao Keshi, former Minister of the Department of General Logistics, who supervised military logistics, supplies and infrastructure, was also placed in police custody. The department was dissolved in 2016 and reorganized in several other departments.
He previously served in the Nanjing military region, which included forces stationed in the province of Fujian.
If confirmed, detentions will probably feed speculation on Xi Jinping's grip on the army and discussions on potential power struggles within the APL.
In November 2024, another member of the Central Military Commission, Miao Hua, former head of the political work service, was investigated for “serious violations of the discipline” – very euphemism for corruption.
What people say
Victor Shih, director of the 21st Century China Center and president of Ho Miu Lam at the World Center for World Policy and Strategy at the University of California of San Diego, wrote on X: “This rumor of what the rumor is quite incredible and yes if it falls, others will also do. In the army at least, XI will have to go beyond a faction model for control like [former Chinese Communist Party Chairman] Mao [Zedong] had to do. “”
Tony Nash, CEO and founder of Complete Intelligence, a forecast platform focused on AI, wrote on X: “If it's true, it's a major blow to the inner circle of Xi. If it's true, we can expect major changes in Taiwan's policy.”
What is the next step
It is not clear if Beijing will officially confirm the statutes of Him and Zhao in the near future. Former Foreign Minister Qin Gang and the former Minister of Defense Li Shangfu were officially stripped of their posts before weeks after having disappeared from public view in the summer of 2023.
Sources 2/ https://www.newsweek.com/china-arrests-top-military-official-he-weidong-xi-jinping-loyalist-2045818 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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