The White House attributes Trump for the return of Starliner astronauts. Is it true?
“The promise was holding,” posted the White House on X shortly after the Dragon Spacex capsule has safely splashed the Florida coast. But the rescue plan was in motion before the 2024 elections.
“Stranded” astronauts come back to earth aboard the SpaceX Dragon Capsule
Astronauts from NASA Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore with astronauts from Crew-9 Splashdown just before 6 p.m. EDT Tuesday off the Florida Panhandle.
NASA images
The White House attributes President Donald Trump for the return of two “blocked” astronauts from NASA who equipped the failure of Boeing Starliner. However, the plan to bring Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams back to home was created months before the Trump election.
The astronauts returned to earth Tuesday after a space flight which was to last only a few days stretched in nine months, a delay that Trump has already accused the Biden administration.
The Dragon Spacex capsule has safely splashed the Florida coast with Wilmore and Williams, as well as the two astronauts of a mission known as Crew-9. The NASA astronaut Nick Hague and the Roscosmos Cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov were the couple who, in September, stole aboard the Dragon Spacex capsule selected to return the two Starliner astronauts from the international space station after NASA ruled that the Spatial Boeing was not up to it.
But even if the plan had been in motion since September, when the spaceship has chosen to return Wilmore and Williams accosted in the Orbital laboratory, Trump tried several times to take the return of astronauts since its entry in January.
“Promise made, promise kept: President Trump is committed to saving the astronauts blocked in space for nine months,” the official Official X Official X page on Tuesday.
The CEO of SpaceX, Elon Musk, joined him, congratulating his business and NASA while thanking Trump “for having prioritized this mission!”
Here's what you need to know about the NASA level, and what, if necessary, influence that Trump could have on her.
Has Trump decided to bring the astronauts back to home?
Earlier this month, Trump said that he had “authorized” Musk to bring Starliner astronauts to Earth. He also said, without proposing, that former president Joe Biden “was embarrassed by what had happened, and he said, leaving them up there.”
But the decision to return Wilmore and Williams with the mission of the crew-9 was a NASA taken in August when the space agency judged that the Boeing Starliner in difficulty was not safe enough to return with its crew. The Starliner, who had encountered helium leaks and propulsion problems that the engineers discovered when he reached the station, did not address in September without Wilmore and Williams for a parachute landing the desert of the New Mexico.
In September, NASA launched the SpaceX Crew-9 mission as planned, but with a crucial change: only two astronauts, The Hague and Gorbunov went to the station instead of leaving two empty seats reserved for Wilmore and Williams. The mission of the crew-9 also had to wait for the arrival of the crew-10 astronauts to take their place.
The SpaceX Crew missions have been routine scientific shipments for years at the station contracted under NASA.
While some launch delays postponed the mission of the crew-10 to reach the ISS, four different astronauts were launched in Florida on Friday and moored on Saturday. The arrival opened the way to Crew-9 and astronauts Starliner to return home Tuesday evening putting an end to a plan set up months ago without the authorization of Trump.
Trump, Musk takes credit for the return “accelerate” Starliner astronauts
Trump, however, seems to have had an influence on NASA's decision to accelerate the launch of the mission of replacement of the crew-10 crew about two weeks earlier in March.
NASA initially announced in December that the launch of the crew-10, originally scheduled for February, had been pushed at the end of March to give SpaceX more time to prepare a new dragon capsule for takeoff. The launch date then dated mid-March, probably due to the pressure of Trump and Musk, when NASA decided to use a “previously piloted” dragon instead.
Musk seemed to confirm that in an interview on Tuesday with Fox News host, Sean Hannity, offering Trump the credit for having “prioritized and accelerating” the return of Starliner astronauts. He also said in the interview that SpaceX had offered the Biden administration to bring the astronauts home earlier.
USA Today left a message with the NASA press office on Wednesday morning to ask for comments on Musk's complaint.
In an article on Monday on Truth Social, Trump also said that the acting administrator of NASA, Janet Petro, accepted his plan to “let our astronauts go home before the period of two weeks originally approved by NASA”. He added: “I can't wait to see Butch and Suni.”
Petro recognized Trump's influence in a statement accompanying NASA's press release on landing.
By President Trumps Direction, NASA and SpaceX worked with a calendar a month earlier, “Petro said in the statement.” This international team and our field teams adopted the Trump administration challenge from a updated and somewhat unique mission plan to bring our crew home. “”
Were the astronauts really “stuck” in space?
Trump Monday still doubled his claims that the Biden administration was at fault in the sloppy starliner mission, saying that “forgottenly forgotten astronauts, because they considered it a very embarrassing event for them, another thing that I inherited from this failed group of incomplete”.
But Wilmore and Williams have repeatedly sought to dispel the idea that they were “abandoned” or “stuck” at the space station, insisting that the preparation of prolonged missions is simply part of the work of being astronaut.
“We do not feel abandoned, we do not feel stuck, we do not feel blocked,” Wilmore said in CNN Anderson Cooperon host on February 13 after the host posed a question of Trump's recent comments.
Earlier this month, Wilmore also rejected Trump and Musk's statements that the decision last year prolonged the mission was politically motivated.
“The words they said, well, it's politics. I mean, that is part of life,” said Wilmore more expensive this month when he, Haye and Williams appeared in the station for a press conference on March 4. “From my point of view, politics has not played at all in this area.”
Why did NASA extend the mission of Starliner astronauts?
While the two NASA astronauts selected for the first Boeing Starliner flight test, Wilmore and Williams arrived in June at the space station for what was a brief orbital stay.
Although Starliner left without Wilmore and Williams, NASA has decided to keep astronauts in orbit for a few additional months rather than launching an emergency mission to return them to Earth to keep the space station entirely equipped with staff. It is not uncommon either that astronauts stay at the station far beyond 200 days, although only five NASA astronauts have now had longer space flights than Wilmore and Williams.
But Wilmore and Williams had a lot to do to stay busy during their additional time in the cosmos.
During the months that followed, the original crew of the Starliner was integrated into the Station'Sexpedition 72, which Williams was selected to order. They also participated in scientific experiments, the maintenance of stations and space balls, Williams even establishing a Spacewalk record.
“We came to stay for a long time,” said Wilmore Saidarlier this month, “even if we had planned to stay short.”
This story has been updated with new information.
Sources 2/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/03/18/white-house-starliner-donald-trump-musk/82530248007/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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