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Donald Trump has a “very good” call with Volodymyr Zelenskyy – where he discussed the American property of Ukrainian factories | World News

Donald Trump has a “very good” call with Volodymyr Zelenskyy – where he discussed the American property of Ukrainian factories | World News



Donald Trump had a “very good” call with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the White House said – as American officials say “that we have never been closer to peace” in Ukraine.

A one -hour phone call declared that Ukraine’s American energy network had been discussed and that Trump also agreed to help “locate” additional air defense support in Europe after a request from the Ukrainian leader.

The White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt told journalists that other talks would take place in Saudi Arabia in the coming days, and that the United States will continue to share information with Ukraine.

She added that Trump also agreed to work to make sure that the missing Ukrainian children returned home, and the two parties had accepted a temporary cease-fire of 30 days involving attacks on energy facilities.

Ms. Leavitt also cited the American president saying that American companies “could be very useful for managing these factories with her expertise in electricity and service”.

Before the call, Mr. Zelenskyy and Russian officials accused each other of having violated a 30 -day break from striking energy objectives – despite the speech of the American president with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday.

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The declaration of the White House added that Mr. Trump and Mr. Zelenskyy also examined the situation in Kursk and agreed to share the information closely.

The presidents asked their teams to move forward with the details of the implementation of a partial ceasefire, with discussions to include any ceasefire in the Black Sea.

“We have never been closer to peace,” added Ms. Leavitt.

Could the nuclear energy takeover replace the mineral agreement?

By David Blanvins, Sky correspondent, in Washington DC

Reading President Zelenskyy's appeal was conciliation, thanking Donald Trump's formalitory support on several occasions and for his peace efforts.

By accepting a partial cease-fire, he maintained the prospect of American investment in the Ukrainian power-perhaps considering that more a security guarantee than the mineral agreement.

“The American ownership of these factories would be the best protection for this infrastructure and support for Ukrainian energy infrastructure,” said Marco Rubio and Mike Waltz's call from Trump-Zelenskyy Call.

Trump agreed to continue sharing information, but when Zelenskyy asked for an additional air defense, he said he would see what was available in Europe.

This is a vague response from the American president while he is trying to keep Ukraine and Putin on board.

These ambiguous words and the change of tone are both indicative of the sensitive point that they reached a few days before new negotiations in Saudi Arabia.

Zelenskyy: “ no pressure '' of Trump in the call

In comments later Wednesday, Zelenskyy said that Mr. Trump understood that Ukraine will not recognize occupied land like Russians and that he would like the American president to visit Ukraine – adding “he would be useful for Trump in his peace efforts”.

In a previous statement, President Zelenskyy said that the two leaders had “a positive, very substantial and frank conversation”.

Zelenskyy echoes a large part of Mr. Trump's declaration on what was decided between the countries and later said that he “felt no pressure” from the United States.

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3:20 Trump and Zelenskyy “on the track”

“We have agreed that Ukraine and the United States should continue to work together to reach a real end of war and sustainable peace. We believe that with America, with President Trump and under American leadership, a lasting peace can be carried out this year,” said Zelenskyy.

He added that Ukraine “would continue to work for this to happen” and said: “I stressed that the Ukrainians wanted peace, which is why Ukraine accepted the proposal of an unconditional ceasefire.

“I highlighted the importance of President Trump's concept of peace by force. We agreed to maintain constant contact, including at the highest level and through our teams.”

The appeal marks the first time that Mr. Trump and Mr. Zelenskyy spoke since the disastrous confrontation at the White House last month.

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49:38 In its entirety: Trump-Zelenskyy meets

Mr. Zelenskyy went to Washington by expecting to sign a critical mineral agreement, but left early after he and Trump clashed in front of the world cameras.

Trump and Mr. Putin held a telephone call lasting an hour and a half in which the Russian chief rejected a complete ceasefire of 30 days on Trump on Trump on Trump and Mr.

He agreed not to attack Ukraine's energy infrastructure for 30 days. The two countries also exchanged 175 prisoners each.

Read more: a chronology of Trump's relationship and Zelenskyy what could be the future of Ukraine? Sky correspondents react to Trump-Putin's phone call

Kyiv and Moscow accuse each other of energy strikes

Before the Ukrainian president’s call with Trump, Mr. Zelenskyy said Russia’s commitment not to hit the energy facilities was “in disagreement with reality” after Russia launched a drone strike dam – some of which hit electrical installations.

Russia has in turn accused kyiv of attacking equipment near one of its pipelines in its energy establishment in the Krasnodar region, bordering Crimea.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said: “Unfortunately, we see that for the moment there is no reciprocity on the part of the kyiv regime.”




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