Pakistans Secret Weapon: the American Pakistani diaspora

During his spouse in the congress, President Trump thanked the Pakistani government for his help to the famous alleged terrorist involved in the abbey attack in Afghanistan in 2021 which killed 13 American soldiers and 170 Afghan civilians. In this way, Trump has reported the renewal of American-Pakistani military ties and raised questions about the question of whether the fight against terrorism will once again overshadow concerns about human rights abuses of Pakistan military and civilian leaders.
Historically, successive American administrations have strengthened the ties with the Pakistani army to advance their objectives of the Cold War and, later, the objectives of fighting terrorism to the detriment of human rights, the rule of law and the regular procedure in Pakistan. Previously, there was not much perspective against these policies, either in Pakistan or abroad.
So far. An increasing American Pakistani diaspora and its allies, including defenders, journalists, influencers and ex-officials, contesting this dynamic with a pro-democracy movement which is increasingly vocal.
Since the former Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted three years ago, the military leaders of the Pakistans and the civil regime, he supported, brutalized pro-democracy activists, muzzled the media, has disappeared and tortured human rights defenders, intimidated higher judges, tried civilians in the military, used arguments and seduced fundamental freedoms outside.
In response, various diaspora groups and their allies have mobilized to highlight the growing repression in Pakistan and to redirect American-Pakistani relations in an unprecedented way.
A diversified movement
The efforts of the American Pakistani diaspora to promote democracy and human rights in Pakistan have sparked important speculation in traditional Pakistani media, social media platforms and regime leaders. Critics and supporters often portray the diaspora as a monolith, ignoring diversity among militant organizations and their appearances of advocacy.
The majority of this growing movement is in solidarity with the former Prime Minister Imran Khan, imprisoned for almost two years, and his Pakistani party Tehreek-e-insaaf (PTI) which brought the weight of the violent military repression in Pakistan. Although this movement understands the leadership of the PTI diaspora, it is, unlike popular belief, neither led by PTI nor dominated by it.
In the context of American policy, the movement includes members of various political affiliations. In recent elections, some diaspora groups have supported Trump, hoping that his past affinity for Imran Khan would encourage him to put pressure on the release of Khans. This has divided the movement, alienating those who oppose it over domestic policies and the agenda. He also confused liberal allies who could not reconcile how Trump could be invoked to potentially help to restore democracy in Pakistan while working actively to dismantle it at home.
Others in the movement believe that the path to follow is to build power and influence within the congress and to stimulate the change of policy thanks to the plea of the congress.
Another divide oppose those looking for targeted sanctions against Pakistan military leaders against those who have focused on the complicity of civil regimes in human rights violations. The criticisms of this last approach indicate that the emphasis on civil leaders diverts the attention of the military leadership, the main architects of repression. They also believe that a divided objective could confuse the Congress strategy and confuse decision -makers on the objectives of the movement.
Overtime, however, as the military's repression against Pakistani civil society has increased, consensus was also the consensus surrounding the need to hold the Pakistani military leaders responsible, not only its civil counterparts.
Despite the differences, the Pakistani-American diaspora has achieved considerable gains in difficult military authoritarianism by changing the perception of the public and advancing a human rights story in the congress.
Move the story
The Pakistani army has long excelled in the formation of the story around its actions. For decades, revisionist history manuals have assured that the generations of Pakistani have never learned ethnic cleaning perpetrated by the Pakistani army against its own people in ancient Pakistan. Media censorship and the intimidation of journalists meant that the manipulation of the military of Pakistani politics has never been openly discussed. The pressure on compliant judges provided legal coverage for multiple coups orchestrated by the Pakistani army. Due to collusion with corrupt politicians, soldiers have never been questioned about the torture and murders of hundreds of nationalists Baloch, Sindhi and Pachtounes.
Over the past three years, the Pakistani diaspora has led efforts to exhibit the pernicious role of the military in the history of the Pakistans. Thanks to daily analyzes on YouTube channels, congress briefings, press conferences, seminars and investigative reports rowed by the social media have reshaped the story, reaching millions worldwide. The publicly criticism of the Pakistani army was once considered sacrilege inside and outside Pakistan. Now an increasing number of Pakistani are more embraced than ever to challenge the Pakistani military leadership.
The Pakistani government has tried to suppress these voices by closing intermittent intermittently, blocking social media platforms like X and by prohibiting certain media. They adopted laws against digital terrorists, engaged in a transnational and charged repression of the main journalists of the diaspora with sedition. However, the inhabitants of Pakistan have relied more and more on virtual private networks (VPN) to access the Internet and, at personal risk, added their voice to the growing choir of anti-military feeling.
Congress with Congress
Perhaps the most important, this emerging pro-democracy movement has obtained the support of representatives of the congress of the whole political spectrum to develop a convincing story in the congress far from a purely national perspective centered on security to that which centers the questions of human rights and democracy in Pakistan.
After the widespread rigging and supported by the army of parliamentary elections last year, 368 Bipartisian members of the Congress voted to adopt the resolution of Chamber 901, calling for an investigation into the rigged elections. In addition, several letters from the congress came out a few months from the others, with more than 100 representatives of the congress calling for the release of Imran Khan and the thousands of political prisoners held illegally, as echo by the UN and Amnesty International. In October, 62 Congress Democrats wrote a letter to the president of the time, Biden supporting targeted sanctions against the military and civil leaders of the Pakistans, particularly appointing the Pakistani army chief, General Asim Munir.
With the recent announcement of the member of the Congress Joe Wilson (R-SC) of the Pakistan Democracy Act, many members of the community pushed him to introduce legislation similar to the Megobari Act that HED has introduced for the country of Georgia. This would make visa prohibitions and binding asset gels against Pakistan military leaders. The community clearly told Wilsons's office that something less would be considered a lesser half allowing military leaders to escape responsibility.
Thanks to congress briefings, the diaspora advocacy groups warned members of the Congress that the Pakistani army is an unreliable partner, accusing him of promoting militants and undergoing American interests in Afghanistan.
This happens at a time when the Pakistani army would plan a military campaign against the Islamic State in Afghanistan to position itself as a key security partner for the United States. Military leadership described the militant group as an international security threat. It is not yet known whether this strategy will be based in the United States at a time when the current administration is trying to disengage from the region.
In addition, diaspora groups are building a story among the offices of the Congress that the former Pakistani army, which was renovated is now despised by millions of Pakistani. They warn that the continuous American support of the military at the expense of the risks of democracy alienating a young population, two thirds of which are under 30 years of age.
In response to diasporas lobbying in the congress, the Pakistans Aarthning Office and the parliamentarians linked to the current regime accused the diaspora of inviting us to the American interference in the internal affairs of the Pakistans. The members of the diaspora replied that as American citizens, they have the right and the responsibility to ensure that American policies towards Pakistan are not translated into the democratic rear view mirror, especially since the American silence could imply the approval of its human rights violations.
In addition, these groups argue that the thrust of democratic standards by the commitment of the congress is an effort led by the diaspora and not linked to specific American government programs. At a time when the increasingly authoritarian Pakistani regime has left no space for Pakistani civil society groups to defend their rights within Pakistan, the diaspora with solid links and roots in the country feels obliged to act.
The Pakistani diaspora and its Washington allies are just starting to bend their muscle. It is not realistic to expect their efforts to lead to night changes in American policies that are decades in progress. And yet one thing is clear: the American Pakistani diaspora, dug for a long fight, is ready to face the continuous assault of the military against the Constitution. Beyond that, the diaspora will continue to push the American government to abandon its myopic policies which, for too long, have undermined its own interests and trampled on the will of the Pakistani people. This movement is not an ephemeral manifestation but, more and more, a sustained uprising.
Sources 2/ https://fpif.org/pakistans-secret-weapon-the-pakistani-american-diaspora/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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