Boris Johnson Slame President Donald Trump: Boris Johnson, one of Donald Trump's best known supporters, Ranks breaks, slams Putin's president who failed, says that the Russian leader “ `makes fun of us ''

Boris Johnson expressed his rage after the President's negotiations rupture with Vladimir Putin.
Why does Boris Johnson turn on Donald Trump?
A few days earlier, Mr. Johnson had said: “I trust and I think Trump will hit Putin with his locker.” His remarks today were a contrast striking with this position.
Johnson now says that Putin “makes fun of us”, emphasizing the Russian chief's refusal to accept a cease-fire in Ukraine. His remarks reflect growing dissatisfaction among Trump's allies, according to a report.
Does Donald Trumps have talks with Putin?
During his time as Prime Minister, Johnson led European support for Ukraine when war broke out, and he said that Putin had shown that he was not interested in peace, but rather by the continuation of “bombing and killing innocent Ukrainians”, as cited in a report by The Independent.
Tuesday evening, Johnson shared his disdainful response to the conclusion of Trump-Putin's negotiations on the social media site X. The rejection by an unconditional ceasefire is shocking. He intends to continue to bomb and murder the defenseless Ukrainians. He wants disarmament in Ukraine. He wants the neutralization of Ukraine. Its objective is to transform Ukraine into a Russian vassal state. Not that he negotiates. He said, “He laughs at us.”
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On March 14, he predicted that President Trump would put pressure on Putin to make compromises in their negotiations, saying: “I trust and I think Trump will hit Putin with each stroke in his locker – he cannot let the world think that he has lost against a loose mass murderer”, “as cited in a report by The Independent.
It was a striking contrast with his previous prediction. Tuesday evening, Mr. Johnson's remarks complied with the majority of his detractors who said that Trump's talks with Putin had given little or no real progress.
He also echoes the remarks made by many other people who, like Johnson, have so far been supporters of Trump Vocals.
How does Russia react to failed talks?
Because of Ukraine's extremely successful drone attacks on Russian oil refineries, a number of commentators have noted that Putin's offer to stop Russian attacks on Ukraine energy facilities, that Donald prevails over the highly promoted allies, was in fact more precious for Russia.
Others said Putin won another “victory” when he offered an ice hockey match between the United States and Russia, which is the national sport of Russia. Similar to attempts by other authoritarian countries to use sport to improve their reputation, it was a question of “detoxifying” Russia, according to a report by The Independent.
Why does Boris Johnson criticize Donald Trump now?
Boris Johnson expected Donald Trump Putin Putin to a ceasefire, but after the failure of the talks, he accused Putin of using negotiations like a joke and Donald Trump of making no progress.
How did Russia react to talks?
The Russian media praised the result, mocking the West and depicting Putin as the dominant figure, the former president Medvedev, even taunting the leaders of the EU.
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Sources 2/ https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/boris-johnson-one-of-donald-trumps-best-known-supporters-breaks-ranks-slams-president-over-failed-putin-talks-says-russian-leader-is-laughing-at-us/articleshow/119266173.cms The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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