Tiger Woods reveals that he goes out with Vanessa Trump

Tiger Woods confirmed his relationship with the former daughter-in-law of President Donald Trump, publishing two images on social networks in an article that said that love is in the air.
Woods and Vanessa Trump, who was married to Donald Trump Jr., was seen in Torrey Pines in San Diego with his daughter, Kai, when Woods arrived for the last round to distribute the trophy to the winner of the Genesis Invitational. He is the tournament host.
Kai Trump goes to Benjamin school with Woods two children, Sam and Charlie. She and Charlie participated in an invitation during a high -level junior golf tournament this week.
Kai Trump (left) and Tiger Woods (right) arrive on the course during the final of the Genesis Invitational 2025 at Torrey Pines Golf Race at La Jolla, California, February 16, 2025. Michael Owensgetty Images
Love is in the air and life is better with you by my side! We are impatiently awaiting our trip in life together, Woods said on X, where it has 6.4 million followers.
He has added: For the moment, we appreciate privacy for all those who are close to heart.
A photo Woods watch and Vanessa Trump posing together, another with them lying in a hammock with his draped arm on his chest as he looks towards the sky.
Woods and Vanessa Trump have been presented in the potino sales outlets in recent weeks. She was married to Donald Trump Jr. for 12 years. They had five children together.
The professional golfer Tiger Woods seems that President Donald Trump speaks during a reception in honor of the month of blacks in the White House on February 20, 2025. Jabin Botsfordthe Washington Post / Getty Images
Woods announced on March 11 that he had broken his left Achilles tendon, bringing him out of the masters and probably for the rest of the year.
It was not clear what prompted Woods, which maintains his fiercely private personal life, to publish photos confirming the relationship. This recalled 2013, when he and Lindsey vonn both published photos of them together to confirm that they were going out together.
Woods said at the time that he and Vonn wanted to limit the Stalkarazzi and all these shady websites that follow us, saying that this could lead to dangerous situations involving his children. He also said that their photos would devalue everything that the paparazzi had.
Woods has two children from his marriage to Elin Nordegren, who divorced him in 2010 after being exhibited for several extramarital cases.
Her only other public relation was with Erica Herman, who lasted about seven years until the end in October 2022. It was a detective split, and Herman finally rejected prosecution against Woods and the confidence that has her domain in the south of Florida, where she had lived.
Sources 2/ https://time.com/7270976/tiger-woods-vanessa-trump-relationship-don-jr-ex-wife-kai/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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