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Kroll examining the current identification of the integrity and the gap of the Horizon Post Office

Kroll examining the current identification of the integrity and the gap of the Horizon Post Office



The post office appointed a specialized investigator to examine the integrity of current Horizon system data and the processes used to identify the differences.

This follows a report by the public inquiry of the post office scandal, published in September 2024, which raised concerns about the current version of the controversial system.

The Kroll investigation firm will examine the latest version of the system, which is at the heart of the post offices scandal, which has seen thousands of underpinames wrongly blamed and some imprisoned for account deficits caused by computer errors.

A spokesperson for the post office said: The post office examination examines the current horizon version. This includes assessments of data integrity on horizon and an examination of the postal identification and resolution of offices.

He comes in response to the comments of the postal teachers, including the evidence heard during the public inquiry, highlighting the concerns concerning the current horizon system. The post owners and the groups that represent them were involved in the process, in particular by providing the reason for the examination for the examination.

The third party examination of the horizon was revealed in November, during the public inquiry of the post office scandal. During the proof, Lorna Gratton, the civil servant who is seated as non -executive director of the post office on behalf of the government, said that there had been a discussion on the current reliability of the horizon system.

Regarding the differences that subposters continue to experience when using the Horizon system, she said to the survey: the post office management team is appointing an independent examination of horizon third parties and its robustness.

Missing transactions

The survey, published by the public inquiry in September 2024, revealed that 57% of current subposters experienced unexplained deficits, 19% of which reporting unexplained transactions and 14% made transactions disappear.

Two-thirds of the subposters interviewed (59%) said they encountered such problems at least once a month, and 69% said they had experienced an unexplained gap on the Horizon system since January 2020.

Torrely, three-quarters said they used their own branch money to cover the gaps or solved the problem themselves. The survey also revealed that almost half (48%) were not satisfied with how the differences were resolved, compared to the 19% satisfied.

The Fujitsus contract to provide and support Horizon should end in March 2026, and the post office is currently migrating all the horizon data of Fujitsu systems to itself, pending approval by the metropolitan police.

What is happening then is still uncertain, and there have been suggestions for sources according to which the post office plans to use a combination of existing horizon features, internal software and standard platforms for its next computer system in the branch, according to a source close to the project.

Computer Weekly exhibited the scandal in 2009 for the first time, revealing the stories of seven subposters and the problems they suffered due to the horizon birthday, which led to the most widespread miscarriage in British history (See below chronology of weekly computer articles on scandal since 2009).




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