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Policy responses to Covid-19 must see distribution data


JAKARTA, DDTCNews – President Joko Widodo reminded his staff to start by reviewing data on the distribution of the Covid-19 pandemic in response to the addition of detected cases of Covid-19.

The President underlined this when chairing a limited meeting regarding Report of the Committee on the management of Covid-19 and national economic recovery by videoconference from Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday (9/14/2020).

“First of all, I must remind you again that the decision to respond to additional cases in provinces, districts and cities, I ask everyone to always look at the distribution data,” said the president, as the president reported. Youtube Presidential Secretariat.

In addition, the President also called on local governments to implement locally based intervention strategies and local level mitigation strategies, both at RT / RW level and at village or village level.

It is believed that the implementation of this strategy will make the manipulation more detailed and focused. Because in a province, for example, there are 20 districts and cities, not all of them are in the red position, so the treatment should not be generalized.

“In a city or in a district, it is the same thing, all the kelurahan, all the villages, all the sub-districts do not live the same thing, all red, some are green, some are yellow. treatment and different treatments, ”he explained.

Therefore, continuous Jokowi, local-based intervention strategies, intervention strategies for limitations at the local level, are very important, both in the management of interventions at the local level and at the local level. community scale.

With this in mind, the president called on local governments not to rush to close an area. According to him, if the government works on the database, the intervention will run more efficiently and can immediately resolve the problems on the ground.

“Once again, the management of the management of these local transport clusters must be improved, in particular in 8 provinces which have become priorities that I have been carrying for 2 months”, he continued.

To control the Covid-19 pandemic, the head of state stressed that the government must continue to work hard to increase the cure rate. As of September 13, 2020, the average number of active cases in Indonesia was 25.02%, slightly above the global average for active cases of 24.78%.

“Then the number of cases recovered was 155,010 cases with recovery rate 71%. This 71% recovery rate in Indonesia is also slightly lower than the global recovery rate. I think we continue to seek global recovery rates, ”he explained.

In addition, the government must also continue to work hard to reduce the death rate. The average death rate in Indonesia continued to fall, from 4.49% last month to 3.99%.

However, this figure is still higher than the global death rate of 3.18%. The high national death rate is due to the fact that 4 provinces have a death rate above 6%.

“He needs data like this, details, so let the province know, then we too central government give him full support so that he can reduce the death rate, especially in Bengkulu, southern provinces. from Sumatra, Central Java and East Java, ”he said. (Bsi).

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