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IHC orders Bushras medical tests from private laboratory

IHC orders Bushras medical tests from private laboratory



Reports of deteriorating health of party founder Imran Khan's wife Bushra Bibi were echoed in the National Assembly on Wednesday, with the government assuring the opposition to provide her with the best medical treatment available in the country.

Meanwhile, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) has directed the authorities concerned to conduct a medical examination of Bushra Bibi at a private laboratory in Islamabad and submitted the examination report to the court before the next date of hearing .

Bushra Bibi is currently incarcerated at the couple's residence in Banigala, which was declared a secondary prison for her, following their conviction and sentencing in the Toshakhana case. Her husband Imran Khan and several PTI leaders had claimed that the former first lady was slowly poisoned. in the sub-prison.

Responding to a point of order raised by Opposition Leader Omar Ayub regarding his health, Federal Minister for Law and Justice Azam Nazeer Tarar informed the National Assembly that at the request of the Pakistan Tehreek leadership -e-Insaf (PTI), Bushra Bibi's medical tests were conducted in one of the best private hospitals in Islamabad.

He said that due to objections raised by the PTI leadership regarding government hospitals, Bushra Bibi's tests were conducted in a private hospital.

He said there was no reason to refer Bushra Bibi to another hospital chosen by the PTI as all her tests were clear. He regretted that the PTI leadership had exaggerated his health problem.

Meanwhile, hearing a petition filed for medical examination of Bibi, wife of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan, following allegations of poisoning, IHC judge Miangul Hasan Aurangzeb summoned the Islamabad advocate general and raised the question why the court order was not implemented.

State prosecutor Abdul Rehman appeared in court and apologized for the absence of the public prosecutor. The court adjourned further proceedings in the case and ordered that Bibi's medical examination be submitted for report until Monday.

Separately, an IHC bench, headed by Chief Justice Aamer Farooq and comprising Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri, heard the PTI founder's bail application in the ₹190 million remand, filed by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

Latif Khosa, the petitioner's lawyer, told the court that the British National Crime Agency (NCA) had frozen the money, adding that a total of ₹171 million had been transferred to Pakistan after tax deductions, at the condition that the Pakistani cabinet approves the reimbursement.

He explained that Shehzad Akbar, the former advisor to the then Prime Minister, had placed a note before the cabinet, which was approved. He said the former prime minister approved the return of the money and then it was transferred to the Supreme Court account.

Khosa told the court that former Prime Minister Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi were not the beneficiaries of the case. He added that the amount sent to the Supreme Court account was returned to the Pakistani government on November 23, 2023.

Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri asked how the money arrived in the Supreme Court's account, whether the money was obtained through crime and why it was frozen in Britain. The lawyer replied that it was suspicious money, but it was later laundered.

Khosa further explained that 458 kanals of land for Al-Qadir University in Suhawa were first transferred to Zulfi Bukhari and then to a trust of which Imran and Bibi were trustees. He told the court the students were studying at university. The hearing was postponed to April 29.

Besides, Islamabad District and Sessions Judge Shahrukh Arjamand heard the appeals against the conviction of Imran and Bibi in the Iddat Nikah case. During the hearing, the lawyer of Khawar Maneka, Bibi's ex-husband, argued on the case. He will continue his arguments at the next hearing on April 30.




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