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Government increases salaries in appreciation of civil servants, including security forces and firefighters

Government increases salaries in appreciation of civil servants, including security forces and firefighters


IPOH: The government's decision to increase civil servants' salaries despite the country's uncertain economic situation is a recognition of the contributions of public sector workers, including the country's security forces and firefighters, said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibahim.

The Prime Minister said that civil servants, especially security forces and firefighters, are at the forefront of managing to ensure peace whenever the country faces disasters and untoward events.

Why, in the current economic situation, is the government choosing to increase the salaries and wages of civil servants?

Remember this country is safe, safe from fires, landslides and even animal rescue, this is due to their service and sacrifices (of security forces and firefighters), a- he said while celebrating the 2024 International Firefighters' Day celebration at Jalan Tambun. Sunway City here today.

Also present were Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad, Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming and Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) director-general Datuk Nor Hisham Mohammad.

Anwar further criticized those who challenged the decision to increase civil servants' salaries, including among MPs who intended to thwart the move in Parliament.

Yes. I know there are critics. There are MPs who say, oh, who knows, in Parliament this will not be adopted. I want to see which face wants to oppose the increase in civil service compensation and salaries.

If there are people who dare to oppose it without reasonable grounds, we will defeat them in the elections, he stressed.

The Prime Minister further expressed his commitment to work on allocations to ensure the well-being of the national security forces.

Meanwhile, expressing his appreciation for the JBPM team, Anwar said the team's efficiency had been praised by world leaders, including Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

I want to say that when I met Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan), he never stopped praising the efficiency of our firefighters, because we had helped during a disaster in the past , thank you and appreciate that, he said.

In the meantime, he called on the JBPM team to continue to excel and strengthen their preparedness to contribute to maintaining national security and well-being of the people.

Earlier, upon his arrival, Anwar received the Prime Minister's salute followed by singing of Negaraku and the song Siap Sedia Setiap Masa before inspecting a fire guard of honor comprising two officers and 99 other ranks accompanied by of the JBPM orchestra.

The event continued with the recitation of the Wira Merah Pledge led by Deputy Fire Commissioner Rozihan Anwar Mamat.

The theme of this year's International Firefighters' Day celebration, Bomba Tonggak Penyelamatan Negara, symbolizes the commitment and dedication of JBPM which has always been the frontline and main pillar of the country in ensuring the well-being and the safety of all Malaysians.

More than 5,000 members of the public were also on hand to witness the spectacle with various fireworks displays and parades of JBPM machines and assets to liven up the celebration.




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