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President Jokowi wants to speed up prevention and management of COVID-19


PEOPLE’S PEOPLE – The regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 9 of 2020 requested by President Joko Widodo for a few days has been published. The regulation became the basis for the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in the regions as an option taken by the government to break the distribution chain of COVID-19.

When he chaired a small meeting to listen to and discuss the report of the COVID-19 task force team by teleconference from Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday, April 6, 2020, the president said he wanted to accelerate the implementation of the PSBB.

“I want to ask a few questions, especially during the subsequent implementation, on what is in order so that we have a speed to prevent and break the COVID-19 distribution chain,” he told the ranks concerned. .

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The Head of State recalled once again that in the current situation, good cooperation and communication between central and regional governments are necessary so that they have a common vision and line in the quest for the completion of COVID-19, which has spread to at least 207 countries.

On this occasion, President Joko Widodo once again mentioned the priority of carrying out rapid tests using the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method for the high-risk parties exposed to COVID-19, both doctors and their families, as well as the ODP (people under surveillance) and the PDP (patients under surveillance). In this regard, the Chair hoped that the review carried out could yield rapid results.

“The speed of laboratory examination must be encouraged again, pressed again, to make it faster and we expect that speed to know who has been positive and who is negative,” he said. .

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Similarly, the purchase and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) must be a concern of the personnel concerned in order to be implemented quickly. PPE that has been distributed to the regions must also ensure that it is redistributed to hospitals and health workers who need it.

“We distributed for example in a province of the region, but from this area, we must also monitor, see if it has been distributed to hospitals,” he said.

In addition, the President also requested the development of regions that had reallocated and resharpened the APBD in order to speed up the management of COVID-19 in the regions.

Previously, on several occasions, the Head of State had asked his staff at central and regional levels to reduce non-priority budgets and divert them to priority activities for the treatment of COVID-19. ***


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