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Another religious minority girl kidnapped, raped and shackled by her captor in Pakistan |

Another religious minority girl kidnapped, raped and shackled by her captor in Pakistan |


Human rights organizations estimate that every year around 1,000 women and girls belonging to religious minorities (Christian and Hindu) are abducted and forced to convert and marry Muslims in Pakistan. This estimate of the number of victims may be even higher as many cases go unreported, often due to the limited financial means of families of girls.

Stock photography. A Pakistani bride at a mass wedding ceremony in Karachi on March 24 … [+] 2014. (Photo credit: ASIF HASSAN / AFP / Getty Images)

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Farah Shaheen’s story is one of them. There are reports that Farah Shaheen, a 12-year-old Christian girl, was kidnapped in Faisalabad in June 2020 and abused by three men who chained her to a cattle pen. They claimed that she married one of her captors of her own volition. However, her family tells a different story. Farah was spent months in slavery by one of the kidnappers, a 29-year-old Muslim. He allegedly raped her, shackled her and forced her to work in inhumane conditions.

Farah was rescued by police in December 2020. She suffered chain cuts around her ankles. Still, police have dropped an investigation, as Farah reportedly said she married her captor and converted to Islam. His parents accuse the police of fabricating the evidence. There are reports that documents suggest she was 16 or 17, not 12 (as is her actual age at the time of the alleged abduction, marriage and conversion, as confirmed by her birth certificate. ). Farah’s parents continue the fight for justice.

Given the number of similar cases, there is little hope that religious minorities who have been victims of kidnappings, forced conversion and forced marriages will obtain justice. Police and justice continue to ignore cases of women and girls belonging to religious minorities who are abducted, forcibly converted, forcibly married and abused by their captors. This fuels an environment where these crimes continue to occur. For example, the family of Huma Younus, 14 at the time of the kidnapping, worked tirelessly to try to get her back. In her case, the court rejected a petition calling for the annulment of the marriage and the forced conversion of a Catholic girl, stating that a girl was ready to marry after her first period. Another 14-year-old girl, Myra Shehbaz, suffered a similar fate. His family also filed a lawsuit. Initially, the Faisalabad Sessions Court ordered the girl to be rehabilitated in a women’s shelter. However, the Lahore High Court later overturned the decision and ordered that the 14-year-old be returned to her captor. She has since escaped. More recently, there is the case of Saneha Kinza Iqbal, a 15-year-old girl who was also abducted, forcibly converted and married to a man twice her age. Her family tried to get her back with the help of the Faisalabad police, but they were unsuccessful.

The problem requires urgent attention. As reported in December 2020, Prime Minister Imran Khan ordered an investigation into the forced conversions of girls belonging to religious minorities. However, this investigation, launched in 2019, appears to examine two cases in isolation. One would expect more commitment and action from Prime Minister Khan.

In light of his inaction, UK politicians have announced their own inquiry into the issue which will seek to identify what the Pakistani government should do to address it. They will propose measures to be taken by the British and Pakistani governments to end the barbaric practice of kidnappings, forced conversions and forced marriages. Women and girls from religious minorities cannot be left behind.

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