PHL and Chinese S&T agencies launch 8 joint R&D projects

Eight joint research and development (R&D) projects for 2021 were launched online on February 24 as part of the first Joint Research Program (JRP) of the Philippine Ministry of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).
CEC covers areas of health, agriculture and renewable energies. It is part of the commitments made by the Philippines and China to strengthen the scientific and technological partnership of the two countries as part of a memorandum of understanding on S&T cooperation signed in August 2019.
Topping the list of approved projects is the DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI) Green Oil and Phytochemicals from Cashew which will be implemented with its counterpart from the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, DOST said in a statement. Press release.
The other seven projects of the cooperation program are:
The Avian Infectious Disease Belt and Road: Intervention Strategies to Predict, Prevent and Control Disease Outbreaks Caused by Emerging Strains of Newcastle Disease Virus and Avian Influenza Virus in the Philippines and China, implemented by the Philippine Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Animal Industry (DA-BAI) and the University of Chinas Jilin;
SinoPhil CHARRME: China-Philippines Cooperation for Exploitation and Acceleration of Research and Resources on Microvesicles and Exosomes (the development of the exosome probe chip as a new technology for the diagnosis of auto- immune), by the University of San Agustin and the University of Tsinghua;
Key technology research on portable power generation based on gasification of municipal solid waste and pre-treated agricultural biomass by co-hydrothermal treatment, by Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology and University science and technology from East China;
Research on Key Technology Refined Solar Energy Resource Assessment for Photovoltaic Power Generation and Development Potential in the Low Latitude Zone / Assessment of Solar Photovoltaic Resources and Facilities Using Geospatial Technologies ( Sinag), by the University of the Philippines (UP), and China Meteorological Administration Center of Public Meteorological Services;
Development of techniques for detecting parasitic infections by helminths and for alerting to transmission, as well as assessing their safety risk, by the UP Institute of Biology and the Shanghai Tenth Peoples Hospital;
The development of a high performance and low cost membrane electrode assembly for alkaline fuel cell based on double ion / electron conduction catalytic layers, by UP and Hefei University of Technology; and
Evolutionary dynamics and phylogenetic analysis of rabies virus in the Philippines, by DA-BAI and Jilin University.
Each project will be implemented for two years and will have an annual R&D fund of up to 8 million pesos for the Philippine side and 1 million RMB (approximately 7,537,541 pesos) for the Chinese side.
The call for proposals for CEC DOST-MOST, which was published in May 2020, solicited a total of 37 capsule proposals from Filipino researchers from across the Philippines. Reviewed and mapped to MOST, it resulted in eight funding and implementation proposals.
In his speech at the launch, Scientific Secretary Fortunato T. de la Pea said that following the signing of the MoU with MOST, we at the Department are very happy to host discussions and initiatives collaboration with our S&T counterparts in Yunnan, Guangxi and Jiangxi. and Shandong [in China] work on areas of mutual interest.
We look forward to our continued cooperation with MOST through this CEC to address the common S&T challenges of both countries and to provide the necessary collaborative platforms for our researchers both locally and internationally, said de la Pea in its message, a copy of which was obtained by BusinessMirror.
De la Pea gave an overview of DOST’s long-standing collaboration with MOST which began with the Basic Agreement on Science and Technology which was signed in 1978, said the International Technological Cooperation Unit (ITCU ) of the DOST in a press release.
It has been reinforced by recent initiatives that Philippine and Chinese agencies have jointly undertaken, including the first CEC DOST-MOST.
The chief scientist explained in his speech that the current Duterte administration is committed to re-energizing the Philippines’ long-standing relationship with China.
President Duterte and Chinese President Xi Jinping previously issued a joint statement emphasizing collaboration between the two nations aspiring to explore other areas of bilateral cooperation, including IT, health, customs cooperation, research and development, education and other areas that will be mutually beneficial to both countries.
For her part, Undersecretary Rowena Cristina L. Guevara shared at the event the S&T cooperation framework between DOST and MOST, where CEC is among the possible partnership areas defined in the agreement, said DOST -ITCU.
Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian and Philippine Ambassador to China Jose Santiago L. Sta. Romana also graced the event online.
In his speech, Huang pointed out that the consensus of the heads of state of the Philippines and China opens avenues for collaboration in areas of common interest, especially on science, technology and innovation systems and policies that play a role. important role in the fight against the pandemic, the DOST Says the ITCU.
These also include new products and technologies in biomedicine, artificial intelligence and big data that will support the immediate recovery after Covid-19.
Huang added that at the last Group of 20 summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping noted that new companies should benefit from enhanced cooperation in the fields of science, technology and innovation.
Sta. Romana echoed the same commitment from Chinese counterparts, noting that a strong engagement in science and technology, especially between the Philippines and China, is essential for sustainable progress and development, DOST said. -ITCU.
He reaffirmed the commitment of the Philippine Embassy in China to support and further expand the continued scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries.
De la Pea said: We hope these partnerships will evolve further into higher plans to include joint government research and development ventures, scientific forums and conferences, and capacity building activities.
The event was also attended by DOST Deputy Secretary Dr Leah J. Buendia for International Cooperation, Executive Directors of DOST Boards, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Project Managers from the Philippines and China.
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