Wang Yi and Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan Co-Chair the Inaugural Meeting of the Cooperation Mechanism for Sino-Indonesian High-Level Dialogue

Wang Yi and Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan Co-Chair the Inaugural Meeting of the Cooperation Mechanism for Sino-Indonesian High-Level Dialogue
On June 5, 2021, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and the Special Envoy of the President of Indonesia and Coordinator of Indonesia for Cooperation with China Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan co-chaired the inaugural meeting of the Dialogue Mechanism of high level Sino-Indonesian in Guiyang.
Wang Yi said that Indonesia is a major developing country and an important emerging economy, that China always considers Sino-Indonesian relations from a strategic point of view and develops Sino-Indonesian cooperation from a point of view. global. Since last year, President Xi Jinping and President Joko Widodo have spoken by phone four times to discuss bilateral pandemic and development cooperation, which has spurred further progress in the strategic partnership. global Sino-Indonesian. This meeting marks the establishment of the global high-level cooperation mechanism between the two countries. This is a great event and a good thing in bilateral relations and an important step taken by both sides to implement the consensus reached by the heads of state.
Wang Yi said that over the past year and a half, China and Indonesia have worked together to meet the challenge of the pandemic, taking the lead in vaccine cooperation and setting an example for the international community to work together to fight the pandemic. The two sides further aligned development strategies, jointly promoted development cooperation and contributed to regional economic recovery. The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway and the Comprehensive Regional Economic Corridor are proceeding smoothly. The twin parks of the two countries were launched on schedule. Trade and investment cooperation has developed against the grain. China has been Indonesia’s largest trading partner for 10 consecutive years and remains Indonesia’s second-largest source of investment. The two sides should take advantage of the establishment of the Sino-Indonesian high-level cooperation and dialogue mechanism to better plan bilateral cooperation in various fields, pool more resources and form greater synergy to elevate bilateral relations to a higher level. new high.
Wang Yi said that on the occasion of the first meeting, we should set the long-term goal of jointly building a Sino-Indonesian community of destiny, with emphasis on political security, trade and investment, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, maritime cooperation and anti-epidemic and public health cooperation, in order to properly start the mechanism and open a new situation of comprehensive development of Sino-Indonesian relations.
Luhut agreed and said that the cooperation between Indonesia and China in various fields has made rapid progress and achieved remarkable results in recent years. Indonesia believes that in the face of global challenges, the two sides should step up cooperation and promote further progress in bilateral relations in the spirit of a community of destiny, in order to contribute to building a community of destiny Indonesia -China. .
Luhut said the establishment of the Indonesia-China high-level dialogue cooperation mechanism will provide a platform for closer dialogue between government departments of the two countries and provide further support for more effective cooperation between the two countries. He thanked China for its strong support to Indonesia in the fight against the pandemic and looked forward to closer cooperation in research, development and production of vaccines to jointly benefit the populations of the two countries. and the region. Indonesia stands ready to work with China to accelerate the joint construction of the Belt and Road, deepen the construction of the “Comprehensive Regional Economic Corridor”, push for the completion of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway in the deadlines, deepen cooperation in fisheries, trade and investment, public health, aviation, space and maritime, strengthen cultural and people-to-people exchanges and consolidate the foundations of friendship.
Luhut said Indonesia adheres to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. Indonesia stands ready to strengthen religious exchanges with China to help the Indonesian people and the international community better understand the development and progress of Chinese Xinjiang. He hopes that the two sides will strengthen communication and coordination in international and regional affairs and jointly protect the rights and legitimate interests of developing countries.
After the meeting, Wang Yi and Luhut jointly signed the memorandum of understanding between China and Indonesia on the establishment of a mechanism for high-level cooperation and dialogue and the memorandum of understanding between China and l Indonesia on strengthening maritime cooperation. The two sides exchanged the Memorandum of Understanding on promoting cooperation on the construction of the Comprehensive Regional Economic Corridor and the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Joint Cooperation Committee on the Construction of the Comprehensive Regional Economic Corridor.
Chinese Deputy Secretary General of the State Council Peng Shujie, member of the Leading Party Members Group of the National Health Commission of China Yu Yanhong, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wu Jianghao, Chinese Deputy Minister Minister of Commerce Ren Hongbin, Indonesian Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir, Indonesian Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Minister of Investment Bahlil Lahadalia and other officials attended the relevant events.
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