Ashley Mallett dead: Cricket Australia news, test legend battle with cancer, dies aged 76.
One of Australia’s most popular figures from a golden age of cricket passed away on Friday at the age of 76 after a long battle.
Australian cult figure Ashley Mallett died on Friday at the age of 76.
The South Australian spinner passed away in Adelaide after a long battle with cancer.
Mallett, who played 38 Tests and took 132 wickets for Australia from 1968-80, was a popular figure on and off the cricket pitch, earning another legion of fans in his life after cricket as an accomplished author.
The former test cricketer has remained active in his writings this year, despite being in the final stages of his illness.
He co-authored the biography of Neil Harvey The Last Invincible, which was released in June of this year.
Mallett was a fan favorite in the golden age of Australian cricket under the captaincy of Ian Chappell.
The finger spinner was the understated side-kick of the dreaded Australian bowling strike of the 1970s — famously remembered as the era of the fast bowling demons Dennis Lillee and Jeff Thomson.
His rare athleticism and ability when fielding in the trench created a legacy and a new standard for future generations of Australian cricketers in the field.
He played in significant test series wins abroad against India and was part of the victorious Ashes team from the 1974-75 series.
His list of records – including his famous 8/59 figures against Pakistan at Adelaide Oval in 1972 – confirms his reputation as one of the best fingerspinners Australia has ever seen.
Chappell was one of the first members of the Australian Cricket Club to pay tribute to his former teammate on Friday night.
“He was a much loved team-mate, he will be sorely missed,” Chappell said
“A measure of how good he was, he reached 100 Test wickets in 23 games, which is the same number of games as Shane Warne.”
He remains a popular figure in Australian cricket through his musings as an author, where he has published two books on his reflections on the sport and his career as a cricketer.
He was also the co-author of the biography of Australian cricket legend Victor Trumper.
He is also remembered for his affectionate nickname “Rowdy” – bestowed upon him for his chorus boy temperament and baby-faced killer sportsmanship while playing in one of the toughest Australian cricket teams ever assembled.
Tributes pour in for Australian cricket giant
Cricket commentators are taking to social media to post their tributes to Mallett, who also played nine one-day internationals for Australia.
Australian cricket legend Jason Gillespie was one of many to offer condolences to Mallett’s friends and family on the ‘terrible’ news.
Cricket reporter Andrew Faulkner posted on Twitter: “Vale Rowdy. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. And for your Nugget Book. And for your unwavering belief in attacking spin. I am sad”.
Veteran cricket writer Greg Baum posted on Twitter: “This is sad. A unique character in Australian cricket. REST IN PEACE”.
Network 10 sports presenter Stephen Quartermain wrote: “One of my childhood cricket heroes. Willy off spinner. Incredible trench fieldman. Great writer.”
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