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Travis Wells Appointed Assistant AD for Strategic Communications

Travis Wells Appointed Assistant AD for Strategic Communications


Two-time Virginia Sportscaster of the Year to Lead Technical Football Communications

american football
8/8/2022 17:30:00 hrs

BLACKBURG Travis Wellsa two-time Virginia Sportscaster of the Year, has been named an assistant athletic director for strategic communications at Virginia Tech, director of athletics, Whit Babcock announced on Monday. In his new role, Wells will serve as the primary communications contact for Virginia Tech Football, among other things.

“Travis will be a great addition to our team,” said Babcock. “He has a wealth of knowledge and experience from nearly three decades in the local media that will serve our department well. Travis has a range of skills that will make him a valuable asset to Virginia Tech. I am immensely grateful for the time and effort our search committee devoted to identifying Travis. I look forward to welcoming him and his family to Blacksburg.”

Wells arrives in Blacksburg after a long career in local sports television spanning parts of three decades. His career has included stops with TV stations in Charlottesville, Bristol, and the last 20 years with WDBJ in Roanoke, where he has been the Sports Director since 2008.

During his time at WDBJ, Wells spent 10 years producing Virginia Tech Sports Today in partnership with LEARFIELD, the university’s media rights partner.

Wells led the multifaceted coverage of ACC football and basketball through the station, anchoring WDBJ’s popular high school football program Friday Football Extra for nearly 15 years. He was named Virginia Sportscaster of the Year by the National Sports Media Association in 2015 and 2016.

In addition to his on-air duties, Wells filmed and edited video for broadcasts and posted content to, as well as the station’s social media platforms. Wells has hosted numerous events during his tenure and has become fully embedded in the greater areas of Roanoke and New River Valley.

“I am honored to be a member of Virginia Tech’s athletics division and I look forward to being a part of the Virginia Tech community,” Wells said. “I have a deep understanding of and appreciation for the rich history and tradition of Virginia Tech Athletics. The university’s strong academic reputation, along with its track record of continued athletic success, were one of the many factors that made this opportunity for me attractive.”

Wells is from Roanoke and graduated from Radford University in 1995, where he played basketball and earned a degree in communications and media studies.

“No one is better equipped to tell the Virginia Tech story than Travis,” Babcock noted. “He has built and maintained relationships with student-athletes, coaches and administrators throughout his media career. His track record and leadership will serve him well in this role.”

Wells and his wife, Chandra, are the proud parents of Meredith and Brayden. Their family lives in Daleville, Va.




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