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Travis Basevi: The Statsguru Visionary Who Transformed Cricket | Cricket

Travis Basevi: The Statsguru Visionary Who Transformed Cricket |  Cricket



Travis Basevi was not the kind of man who sought the limelight. He was happy to just do his thing. And that thing was groundbreaking.

Basevi, who died last month at the tragically young age of 47, leaving behind his wife Jane and son Victor, was a true one-off, a man who changed the way people looked at cricket and, by extension, the game. yourself.

With his great friend Vishal Misra, he created the scorecard database for what would become the world’s number 1 cricket website, ESPN Cricinfo, in the mid-1990s, and in 2005 wrote the content management system for websites. But its unparalleled glory was Statsguru, Cricinfo’s interactive data search engine, a close friend of many readers (and writers) of The Spin. Statsguru is a free pick and mix desk where fans, journalists, players and selectors can happily fill their bags with curated cricket stats as often as they want, a handful of left-handed Australian openers in the 1970s here, a handful of Imran Khan’s most common fired as captain there.

There are people who are great techies and people who understand the game, but Travis was unique because he combined both, and he was also a visionary, says Sambit Bal, the editor-in-chief of ESPN Cricinfo. You couldn’t just be a tech genius to do what he did, he had to have that vision of how far cricket stats would go. Today, Statsguru may seem like a pretty standard piece of coding, but to do that in 1998 when it was really the early age of the internet was a leap of faith.

Those early internet days were intoxicating with idealism. People volunteered their time, programmed for fun, and early Cricinfo were the same people with a passion for cricket who came together with the goal of connecting fans around the world and letting them know what was happening in games on the other side of the world. the oceans. What was started by college graduates at American universities was not driven by money or a desire to advance, but instead by a spirit of service, a passion. Basevi himself was in high school in Australia when he started volunteering, although surprisingly he didn’t know how to code at the time. Self-taught, he flew then.

Statsguru was not a project Basevi was asked to do; he just came up with the concept, coded it and then suddenly it existed, just in time for the West Indies tour of England in 2000. In another era, he had to squeeze it through the millions of project managers and make a cohesive case; at the turn of the millennium there were no such obstacles.

Basevi had created something that allowed cricket to be viewed through a whole new lens, a legacy that we can see today in human form, with the data managers and analysts sitting on the Indian Premier League teams.

I think Statsguru has shaped how people think about cricket more than anything else, Bal says. Twenty20 is completely data-driven, but a tool like Statsguru had already created that path and ecosystem. It has been an essential resource for any cricket writer and, even if subconsciously, it has influenced much contemporary cricket writing and commentary and, by extension, how fans view the game.

Cricinfo (and Statsguru), which unlike so many other fledgling websites survived the dotcom boom and bust, went on to shape other sports sites such as and tennis summary.

The Guardians Tim de Lisle was editor of Wisden Cricket Monthly, took over in the paper-and-gut era of 1996, dragged it into the modern world and oversaw the launch of the Wisdens website in 2001. He too Basevis considers Statsguru to be a transformation.

It changed the way cricket was understood, he says. Not sure if England would have recalled Keaton Jennings for this winter tour of Pakistan without Statsguru. It enabled people to use statistics in a whole new way, interact with them more flexibly and intelligently. A generation ago we only had averages and the players carried them on their backs for their entire career. Now you can click on the career overview and immediately see that, while not very good at English pitches, Jennings is a star in the subcontinent. So a selection that would once have been seen as a crazy hunch is now accepted as logical. That may never have happened without Travis’s meticulous intelligence.

Crickets HQ’s longest-running textbook, Wisden Cricketers Almanack, also has huge admiration for Statsguru. Statsguru has made fact-checking child’s play, explains Lawrence Booth, as he edits the 160th edition books. This is especially good for the Almanack, for obvious reasons, although you should also be careful not to get lost in statistical rabbit holes. We’re trying to use statistics to enlighten the cricket, not suffocate it. But when used properly, Statsguru can be invaluable. Travis was truly a genius.

Keaton Jennings in action for Sri Lanka in 2018
Keaton Jennings in action in Sri Lanka in 2018. Statistical analysis of his track record in the subcontinent helped him regain his place. Photo: Ishara S Kodikara/AFP/Getty Images

If you find the time to navigate to Statsguru today there is a simple line at the top of the page: Travis Basevi, who conceived and created Statsguru, has passed away. His memory will continue on these pages. And if you ask Statsguru a question, raise a glass to the man who, with his passion for cricket, has created something that both educates and delights. As Bal says, he always thought ahead, someone who understood cricket so imaginatively and intuitively, but who was also a technical genius, it’s unique. People who are smart usually go and earn a lot of money, but he used it as a medium to serve cricket.




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