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Bobcat Golf begins final stretch with Wyoming Cowgirl Classic

Bobcat Golf begins final stretch with Wyoming Cowgirl Classic
Bobcat Golf begins final stretch with Wyoming Cowgirl Classic


BOZEMAN, Mont. — The Montana State golf team begins the most critical part of their season this week, traveling to compete in the Wyoming Cowgirl Classic on Wednesday and Thursday at Ak-Shin Southern Dunes Golf Course in Maricopa, Arizona.

The Cats will begin a nine-round, 15-day series over three tournaments as they travel through Arizona from Maricopa to Goodyear to host the Bobcat Desert Classic April 8-10 and culminate with the Big Sky Conference Championships in Litchfield Park on April 15 to 17. .

The Wyoming Cowgirl Classic, hosted by the University of Wyoming at Ak-Shin Southern Dunes, will feature 36 holes on Wednesday and a final round of 18 holes on Thursday.

The action kicks off each day at 7:30 a.m. MT with a shotgun start, with live scores available on Golfstat.

“We've had a few good weeks of practice, obviously being indoors, so we've been working on the short game and knocking away tight lies, which is something we're going to need at Ak-Chin,” said head coach Brittany Basye said. “Their greens are hilly, so when the ball rolls off the green you're going to have to hit a tight lie shot. And then just working on consistency with our golf swings when we miss it, figuring out how we miss and how to put it back in can get the game.”

The Bobcats will be one of 21 teams participating in the tournament, joining Wyoming, Boise State, Cal State Fullerton, Fresno State, Long Beach State, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico State, Northern Arizona, Northern Colorado, Portland State , Sacramento State, San Diego State, Santa Clara, Southern Utah, UC Riverside, Hawaii, UTEP, Cal State Bakersfield and Cal State Northridge.

“I think overall we just had a good workout,” Basye said. “The sun is shining and they are ready to go out. We didn't finish well a few weeks ago, so they are ready to come back.” and regain himself a little. Now it's time for us to be ready to go. We have no more excuses not to be out from now until the conference, we have to be ready to go.”

Ak-Chin Southern Dunes is one of the best courses on the Cats calendar every spring. The par-72 course is marked for 6,191 yards.

“What I expect from every golfer is to get to where he knows he can score,” Basye said. “We played great at GCU, came home and had great practices, then went to NAU and didn't play great. We have to find the point where when the wheels come off, how do we get those wheels back on immediately. We We come to the conference and it could be a swing of one or two swings. We don't look back, we always look forward.”

Scarlet Weidig leads the Bobcats with an average score of 73.85, and has nine rounds at or under paracross seven tournaments. The junior from Belen Heredia, Costa Rica, has tied the school record for low round (67) three times this year, is the school record holder for low 54-hole tournament score and is second in program history in career wins (4).

Six of the nine rounds of 67 in program history have been completed by Weidig and sophomores this year Lauren Green.

Greeny, a native of Pullman, Washington, is second on the team with an average score of 74.09.





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