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County cricket: Essex v Kent, Gloucs v Yorkshire and more live | Provincial championship

County cricket: Essex v Kent, Gloucs v Yorkshire and more live |  Provincial championship
County cricket: Essex v Kent, Gloucs v Yorkshire and more live |  Provincial championship


Heres Tanyas roundup from last night:


It was a day for batting as the sun came out and the Kookaburra ball was placated as it likes to. There were eight centuries around the grounds, one a magnificent 226 by Alex Davies as Warwickshire pinballed 490 for one by stumps at Edgbaston. Daviess swashbuckling knock was his first double century, and he and Rob Yates pounded 343 for the first wicket until Yates was caught for 191. It was a chastening return to Division One for Durham and for their new overseas recruit Scott Boland, an expert with the Kookaburra. There was one bright spot for Durham, Ben Stokes bowling two practice spells. The hope is that he might return for their match on 24 May.


At the Oval, 3,000 people pushed through the turnstiles to watch Somerset gallop through the morning session against Surrey before tumbling into a batting black hole after lunch. While the ice-cream van did a good trade, Tom Lammonby reached his seventh career century, a promising early sign from a man who usually makes his hundreds in September.


He and Matt Renshaw had skipped along to 178 for the second wicket before Lammonby called for a quick single on 99. Renshaw was run out from a direct hit and from there they concertinaed, losing seven for 20. It was only some big hitting from Lewis Gregory that dragged Somerset towards a batting point. There was time for four overs from Shoaib Bashir as Surrey made smooth evening progress.


Elsewhere, there was a century for the Yorkshire captain, Shan Masood, against Gloucestershire at Bristol, as Joe Root and Harry Brook fell cheaply to Zaman Akhter (five for 89).


There were centuries too for Dean Elgar and Matt Critchley as Essex made hay against Kent; Joe Clarke as Worcestershire plugged away against Nottinghamshire; and Emilio Gay, whose 165 against Middlesex was his highest first-class score and helped Northamptonshire gather home batting points, something they didnt achieve until 26 September last year.

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Chelmsford: Essex 421-6 v Kent


The Rose Bowl: Hampshire 305-6 v Lancashire


Trent Bridge: Nottinghamshire 305-6 v Worcestershire


The Oval: Surrey 42-0 v Somerset 285


Edgbaston: Warwickshire 490-1 v Durham




Sophia Gardens: Glamorgan 237 v Derbyshire 46-1


Bristol: Gloucestershire 28-2 v Yorkshire 326


Grace Road: Leicestershire 326-8 v Sussex


Northampton: Northamptonshire 311-3 v Middlesex

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Good morning, folks! Im at the Oval, playing the role of sub teacher while the brilliant Tanya Aldred has a well-deserved breather.


As its my debut on this particular page, please go easy on me, send in as much helpful correspondence as you desire, and, most importantly, have a great time BTL. Id also love to know if youre somewhere in the shires taking in a game.


The headline from yesterday: well, weve got a decent game on here between Somerset and Surrey, but whats been going on at Edgbaston?! Durham with their stellar cast of Boland, Potts and Carse had a chastening day against Warwickshire, who put up 490-1 from 96 overs. Alex Davies remains unbeaten 226 from just 274 balls. Yikes.


Anywho, heres my tune for the day. Lets have some fun.

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Key events

Big fan of these kinds of highlights, which are more than just wickets, fours, sixes etc. Also quite hypnotic to watch Lyon land point after point.

Nathan Lyon vs. Tom Prest.
Consistent lines and lengths forced Perst to find another way to score

— Vitality County Championship (@CountyChamp) April 13, 2024

\n\n”}}” config=”{“renderingTarget”:Web”,”darkModeAvailable”:false}”/>


A first-ball first-baller at Grace Road! Sussex's Tom Clark has departed from the opening ball of his sides innings after Leicestershire were bowled out for 338, Matt Salisbury the bowler. Meanwhile, Dom Sibleys just absolutely smashed a short ball from Lewis Gregory at the Oval. He is 49 and is also quite licking.


Edgbaston, Warwickshire has passed 500 (!). Will Rhodes has taken three boundaries from Matt Potts to bring out the landmark. Massacre I expect a thousand by the end of the day.


At the Oval, Gareth Batty works very animatedly with Dan Lawrence on the new acquisitions funky off-breaks. The quest to be a real, true all-rounder has begun.



Joe Root hitting Adam Lyth on the head is certainly one way to celebrate a wicket

— Vitality County Championship (@CountyChamp) April 13, 2024

\n\n”}}” config=”{“renderingTarget”:Web”,”darkModeAvailable”:false}”/>


Hello Taha. Hello, Andrew Benton. Would you like to know if there are any developments regarding the introduction of bamboo bats?

Hmm, last I heard it was this statement from the MCCwhich quoted Law 5.3.2: The knife shall consist solely of wood.

Currently, Law 5.3.2 states that the bat's blade must consist exclusively of wood, so to consider bamboo (which is a grass) as a realistic alternative to willow would require a change in the law, read the statement.

Importantly, the law should be changed to specifically allow bamboo, because even if it were recognized as wood, this would still be illegal under current law, which prohibits leaf lamination except in young bats.

Cricket really is a strange old game.


Yesterday's action

Here's Tanya's recap from last night:

It was a day for batting as the sun shone and the Kookaburra ball was lulled as it likes to do. There were eight centuries around the ground, one a wonderful 226 from Alex Davies Warwickshire pinballed 490 for one through stumps at Edgbaston. Davies' swashbuckling knock was his first double century, and he and Rob Yates hit 343 for the first wicket until Yates was caught for 191. It was a cleansing return to Division One for Durham and to their new overseas recruit Scott Boland, an expert with the Kookaburra. There was one bright spot for Durham: Ben Stokes bowled two practice spells. The hope is that he returns for their match on May 24.

At the Oval, 3,000 people squeezed through the turnstiles to watch Somerset galloping through the morning session against Surrey before tumbling into a black hole after lunch. With the ice cream truck doing brisk business, Tom Lammonby reached his seventh career century, a promising early sign from a man who usually earns his $100 in September.

He and Matt Renshaw had gone on to 178 for the second wicket before Lammonby called for a quick single on 99. Renshaw ran out for a direct hit and they concertized from there, losing seven for 20. It was just a big strike from Lewis. Gregory dragging Somerset to a battle point. There was time for four overs from Shoaib Bashir as Surrey made smooth evening progress.

Elsewhere there was a century before the Yorkshire captain, Shan Masood, against Gloucestershire in Bristol, where Joe Root and Harry Brook fell cheaply to Zaman Akhter (five for 89).

There were also centuries for Dean Elgar and Matt Critchley Essex made hay against it Knows; Joe Clarke as Worcestershire pushed against it Nottinghamshire; and Emilio Gay, whose 165 against Middlesex was his highest first-class score and helped Northamptonshire collecting home hitting points, something they only achieved on September 26 last year.


What's the score?


Chelmsford: Essex 421-6 v Kent

The Rose Bowl: Hampshire 305-6 v Lancashire

Trent Bridge: Nottinghamshire 305-6 v Worcestershire

The oval: Surrey 42-0 v Somerset 285

Edgbaston: Warwickshire 490-1 v Durham


Sophia Gardens: Glamorgan 237 v Derbyshire 46-1

Bristol: Gloucestershire 28-2 v Yorkshire 326

Grace Road: Leicestershire 326-8 v Sussex

Noordampton: Northamptonshire 311-3 v Middlesex



Good morning people! I'm at the Oval, playing the role of sub-teacher while the brilliant Tanya Aldred takes a well-deserved breather.

Since it's my debut on this particular page, take it easy, send as much useful correspondence as you want, and most importantly, have a great time BTL. I'd also like to know if you're playing anywhere in the shires.

Yesterday's headline: Well, we've got a decent game here between Somerset and Surrey, but what's going on at Edgbaston?! Durham with their stellar cast of Boland, Potts and Carse had a chastening day against Warwickshire who scored 490-1 from 96 overs. Alex Davies remains unbeaten on 226 off just 274 balls. Yes.

Anyway, here's my tune for today. Let's have some fun.





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