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Now that the NHL is officially in Utah, the ECHL's Grizzlies say they're staying put

Now that the NHL is officially in Utah, the ECHL's Grizzlies say they're staying put


For the first time since the official announcement that the National Hockey League would be coming to the Beehive State, the Utah Grizzlies have said they will stay.

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) The Utah Grizzlies host the Rapid City Rush for an ECHL hockey game at the Maverik Center in West Valley City on Saturday, January 27, 2024.

On Thursday afternoon, Utah Grizzlies vice president Jared Youngman interviewed applicants for sales positions with the minor league hockey team.

I need them because the Grizzlies will drop the puck next October on their 30th season in the Beehive State. For the first time since the April 18 announcement of a new National Hockey League team in Utah, Youngman said his East Coast Hockey League club will remain at the Maverik Center in West Valley City.

And he's open to working with the new Major League team at some point.

There is currently a connection agreement with [the] Colorado [Avalanche], but we would like to find ways to rework it and work with NHL Utah, Youngman said Thursday. I mean, from now on we were where we were. [Were] I'm not opposed to working together and making things work together with NHL Utah.

The ECHL operates as the third tier of professional hockey in the United States and Canada. It is one of two leagues (the other being the second-tier American Hockey League) recognized by the NHL and its players' union.

NHL teams sign cooperative agreements with lower division teams, such as the Grizzlies, so that their players can further develop before making the jump to Major League hockey. The Grizzlies are affiliated with the avalanche since 2018.

The team from West Valley City came to Utah under circumstances in 1995 similar to what the club is dealing with now. The Denver Grizzlies were founded the year before as a new franchise in the now-defunct International Hockey League, but left the Mile High City for the Wasatch Front after the then-Quebec Nordiques moved to Colorado.

A representative for Smith Entertainment Group said the company's newly acquired NHL team would support joining the Grizzlies in the future, but respects the ECHL club's agreement with Colorado. The company is currently not in discussions with the Grizzlies regarding potential ties.

It is unusual, but not unheard of, for an ECHL team to share a market with an NHL franchise. In Texas, the lower league Allen Americans play in the same market as the NHL's Dallas Stars. (The Stars ECHL affiliate is the Idaho Steelheads.)

Interest in minor league hockey appears to be increasing in Utah.

This year, the Grizzlies drew more fans than any other season in the past two decades, with an average attendance of just over 6,000 at home games. The team increased overall ticket sales by approximately 20%, including a nearly 50% increase in group packages.

The Grizzlies are the anchor tenant of the Maverik Center, owned by West Valley City. Utah's second largest city actually owns 40% of the team itself.

A municipal spokesperson could not be reached late Friday afternoon.

Grizzlies officials hope to grow the game even further in Utah by sticking around. One thing that might help: ticket prices.

While it is still unknown how much single-game tickets for the new NHL team will cost, regular season prices for the nearest NHL team, the Vegas Golden Knights, usually start at around $50. Hockey fans can normally get a Grizzlies ticket get your hands on it for $17 to $41.

Youngman, the Grizzlies vice president, has a simple message as interest in the sport increases in the Beehive State and his club heads toward a milestone season: We play hockey.




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