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Tjelmeland's complete game delivers baseball victory in WAC Tournament Opener

Tjelmeland's complete game delivers baseball victory in WAC Tournament Opener


MESA, Ariz.SeniorZach Tjelmelandpitched a career-high 9.0 innings to lead the No. 7 The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) Vaqueros baseball team past the No. 6 UT Arlington Mavericks 8-5 in the opening round of the Western Athletic Conference Tournament on Tuesday at Hohokam Stadium, the spring training home of the Oakland A's.

UTRGV advances to the double-elimination portion of the tournament against No. 3 Utah Valley on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Fans can watch in their own countryESPN+or internationally viaWAC International.

In his second-career complete game, Tjelmeland (6-3) struck out four without a walk while allowing five runs on nine hits. He threw 68 of his 98 pitches (69.39%) for strikes.

Offensively, the Vaqueros (28-24) hit three home runs, including blasts from Junior Sharyland alumMartin Vazquezjunior Vela alumIsaac Lopezand graduate studentCJ Valdez. Vazquez and Lopez now each have 16 career home runs, tied for 12e-highest career total in program history withRafael Barbosa(1982-83). All are still away from the top 10 in program history.

Vazquez capped a career-high 3-for-5 mark with a career-high tying three points scored. Lopez went 2-for-5 with a double and two RBI. Valdez finished 2-for-4 with a triple, a walk and four RBI. Graduated studentAdrian Torreswent a career-high tying 4-for-5 with a double, a run scored and a career-high three stolen bases. JuniorHank Warrenand freshmenEaston Moomauboth finished 2-for-5 with a run scored.

The Vaqueros jumped onCaden Noah(3-4) right away, just like with two outs in the first, Valdez hit a 2-run homerun that flew out of the park at 110 miles per hour and traveled 300 feet to make the score 2-0.

With one out in the third, Warren singled, then Lopez followed with an RBI-double to make it 3-0.

In the fifth, Vazquez launched his 16ehome run of the season, a solo shot from 400 feet traveling at 110 miles per hour. Two outs later, graduate student Torres and Warren singled. During the next at bat, Torres stole third base and scored on a wild pickoff attempt to put the Vaqueros up 5-0.

Tjelmeland retired the first nine batters and 12 of the first 13. In the fifth, however, the Mavericks (22-34) opened the inning with three consecutive hits, capped by aGarrison Berkley3-run home run to make it 5-3.

Then, with one on and two off in the seventh,Parker Airharthit an RBI double to make it 5-4.

The Vaqueros pushed back with three runs in the eighth, as Lopez led off with a 450-foot home run, sending his bat to 103 miles per hour. Then, with two outs, Valdez hit a 2-run triple to make it 8-4.

Ryan Blackhomered in the ninth to complete the score.

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