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2024 Division II Men's Tennis ITA National Awards

2024 Division II Men's Tennis ITA National Awards


Wilson ITA coach of the year

Mark drilling | Azusa Pacific Ocean University

Bohren led the Cougars to their best regular season in program history as Azusa Pacific went undefeated for the first time in program history with a 19-0 record. The undefeated season earned the Cougars the No. 1 seed at the PacWest Tournament, where Azusa Pacific won its third consecutive conference title. Under Bohren's leadership, the Cougars this season had Elias Emilio Walter named PacWest Player of the Year, Soeren Grandke the Freshman of the Year, and the Cougars had two athletes named All-PacWest First Team in both singles and doubles.

ITA Assistant Coach of the Year

Vinicius Oliveira | Midwestern State University

Vinicius Oliveira has done an excellent job transitioning from Our Lady of the Lake to Graduate Assistant for the MSU-Texas Men's Tennis Program. He has currently coached this team to No. 18 in the nation (and as high as No. 14). The team is currently 14-9 (6-8 vs. Nationally Ranked Opponents) and went 7-1 this season as the Co-Lone Star Conference Champions. Vinicius has been in charge of so many items for this program, both on and off the field (Team GPA is currently 3.58 and they have completed 268 hours of community service this year).

ITA Arthur Ashe Leadership and sportsmanship

Charlie Putrino III | Rollins College

Charlie Putrino III's accomplishments are numerous, but his leadership skills and selfless attitude are even more abundant. Charlie battled back from a torn labrum in his hip during the 2021-2022 season. Charlie refused to leave the season, saying, “If it helps the team culture to have me there, I'll play.” He was determined then to do whatever he could to help the team, even if it meant personal suffering, and that's no different now. Charlie played on yet another torn labrum in his other hip this year. Charlie's accomplishments include serving as captain of the men's tennis team for two years, president of his graduate school class, vice president of the School of Crummer Finance Organization, Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, and a Graduate GPA of 3.99 at the Rollins Crummer School, the No. 1 ranked MBA program in the South. He was the president of his graduate school class and graduated magna cum laude.

ITA Rookie of the Year

Alex Benichou Blanchard | Mississippi College

Alex Benichou Blanchard rose to No. 3 in the ITA national rankings during his freshman season at Mississippi College. He compiled an overall record of 18-5 and was the GSC Rookie and Player of the Year. Alex exhibits outstanding sportsmanship and leadership, evidenced by the fact that he has gone to every women's game and is always the first player to practice and the last to leave.

ITA most improved player

Esunge Ndumbe | Ferris stands University

Esunge Ndumbe joined the Ferris State Men's Tennis team in January 2023. Last year he played #6 singles, but this year he came in ready to play higher and has shown why. He started the season at #3, but quickly moved up to #1 in singles, with a record of 20-6 in singles and 14-8 in doubles, with 4 of his 6 losses against Top 20 nationally ranked players and 2 of his wins were over the Top 10 nationally ranked players. Complementing his improvements, he won his #1 singles match in the conference tournament against the #5 ranked singles player in the country. All this while being a great young man who is the most dedicated student-athlete to campus and community service.

ITA Senior Player of the Year

Tom Zeuch | University of Indianapolis

Tom Zeuch had a great season this year. Last autumn he came second during the ITA Cup in Rome. He became the No. 1 player in the country and stayed there all spring. With partner Mathieu Derrache, Tom reached the #1 position in doubles. Tom has been nothing but a force for the UIndy Men's Tennis program and has been the flagship of UIndy Tennis with his athleticism and character. Tom is graduating with a Masters in Sports Management.

ITA player to watch

Baptiste Mercier | Flagler College

Baptiste Mercier won 30-9 in singles, 15-3 in doubles, and 23-5 in doubles, 13-2 in doubles. He won the ITA Cup in singles and was a finalist at the ITA Regionals in singles. He was ranked No. 9 nationally in singles and 46 nationally in doubles. Mercier was the No. 1 player in the region in singles this season, beating opponents such as Tom Zeuch, Takeshi Taco, Chris Fok-Kow, Esunge Ndumbe and Germano Setti.

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