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Kelly Osbourne slams former Fashion Police costar Giuliana Rancic

Kelly Osbourne slams former Fashion Police costar Giuliana Rancic
Kelly Osbourne slams former Fashion Police costar Giuliana Rancic


GettyImages-1986522956-Kelly Osbourne at the GRAMMY Awards

Kelly Osbourne Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Kelly Osbourne candidly reflected on her time as co-host of Fashion Police next to Giuliana Rancic.

Revealing raw feelings for Rancic, 49, on Tuesday, May 21 episode from her “The Osbournes Podcast,” Kelly, 39, didn’t hold back.

“We don't need to give him anything,” Kelly said in response to her mother, Sharon Osbourne, raising the subject of Rancic. Rancic appeared on the first E! fashion commentary parade alongside the late Kelly Joan Rivers and editor-in-chief of the magazine George Kotsiopoulos when it premiered in 2010.

Kelly's brother Jack Osbourne explained to Sharon, 71, and their father, Ozzy Osbourneon the podcast that Kelly was wrongly accused in 2015 of making a “really racist comment” about Zendayathe hair.

It was actually Rancic who shared the controversial remark, claiming that Challengers The star looked like “she smells like patchouli oil and weed.”

Jack, 38, also pointed out that he later read “an article where Zendaya said, 'Yeah, fk Juliana Rancic,' to which Kelly responded, 'Good for her.'

Jack added that he had “seen nothing of her [Rancic] in a very long time,” to which Kelly responded that she “wouldn’t know, because as far as I’m concerned, she doesn’t exist.”

At the time, Rancic apologized for his “outrageously offensive” comments about Zendaya, who was 18 at the time.

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Kelly Osbourne and Giuliana Rancic Lester Cohen/WireImage

Unfortunately, the confusion over the controversy landed Kelly in this situation and she left. Fashion Police in February 2015. The show was canceled in November 2017.

Zendaya, for her part, then responded to Rancic's comments via Instagram, posting that “there is already harsh criticism of African American hair in society without the help of ignorant people who choose to judge others based on base of the curl of their hair.” .”

Zendaya also said In the magazine of the ordeal: “This is how change happens. And it got me thinking: How could I still have a lasting impact on what people saw and associated with people of color?

As for how Kelly remembers Fashion Police Beyond her controversial dynamic with Rancic, Kelly clarified that the experience wasn't entirely negative.

She spoke fondly of Rivers, 81, who died in September 2014, and thanked the iconic star for serving as a mother figure.

“She always supported me. She has been such a cheerleader for me and made me believe in myself in a way that I never did until she came into my life,” Kelly said. “And not having to learn from her every week like I did was a huge loss for me.”

Kelly also spoke fondly of Melissa RiversJoan's daughter, who joined Fashion Police in 2015 after the death of his mother.

“That's one of my biggest regrets in all of this, to be honest with you, is how hurt Melissa was, because she had just lost her mother,” Kelly said of the tense environment behind the scenes. has Fashion Police. “And for me, I can never do enough for Melissa. I can never thank her enough for everything she went through through all of this. For me, that's the part when you look back on it that's really, really sad.

Us every week has contacted Rancic for comment.




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