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Cozen's OT goal lifts Canada into first place in group play in the men's hockey world

Cozen's OT goal lifts Canada into first place in group play in the men's hockey world


Dylan Cozens says he is having a good time at the Hockey World Cup, and his enthusiasm is reflected in the scoresheet.

Cozens scored his second short-handed goal of the match in extra time as Canada posted a 4-3 victory over host Czech Republic in Prague on Tuesday.

That gave the Buffalo Sabers forward from Whitehorse eight goals in the tournament in seven games, while Canada finished the preliminary round in first place in Group A with 19 points on five regular-season wins and two extra-time wins.

“I'm really enjoying it here. This is some of the most fun hockey I've ever played and the best atmosphere I've ever played in,” said Cozens. “The fans here are incredible and the crowd has been great every game, so I'm really enjoying this experience.”

Cozens scored the winner when he scored in the Canadian zone and advanced to the Czech Republic end.

His pass intended for Colton Parayko was deflected, but he regained the puck and backhanded it past the outstretched Czech goalkeeper Lukas Dostal.

LOOK | Cozens continues strong play with two goals against Czechs:

Dylan Cozens' short-overtime winner gives Canada first place in Group A in the hockey world

Dylan Cozens' second goal of the match, although falling short in overtime, gave Canada a 4-3 win over the hosts from the Czech Republic at the IIHF World Championship in Prague.

Canada will take on Slovakia in the quarterfinals on Thursday at 10:20 a.m. ET.

“The mood in the room is great right now and tonight was a great game,” said Canadian coach Andre Tourigny. “There was no time or space, both teams worked very hard and both teams were patient.”

The Czechs had a chance to take over the top position in the group, but finished with 16 points. Switzerland moved past the hosts into second place later on Tuesday with a 3-1 win over Finland, giving them 17 points and will meet Germany in the quarter-finals at 10:20 am.

Dawson Mercer and Brandon Hagel scored Canada's other goals, while Jordan Binnington made 19 saves.

'We are looking forward to the medal round'

“This was a great way to end the preliminary round,” Mercer said. “Playing against the home team, we obviously knew the energy in the building would be incredible, and to get the win in extra time and finish top of the standings is huge for our group.

“We are excited about the medal round and now we have to get ready for the quarter-finals.”

Dominik Kubalik, Ondrej Palat and Roman Cervenka scored for the Czechs, who received 22 saves from Dostal.

Cervenka scored with one minute, 49 seconds left, as Canada and the Czech Republic combined for five goals in the final eleven minutes of regulation.

Cozens opened the scoring just over a minute into the final period.

Kubalik tied the score at 9:11 of the third on a power play, then Canada appeared to take control when goals from Mercer and Hagel put the defending champions up 3-1 with four minutes, 18 seconds to play.

Cervenka forces OT

But with Mercer in the penalty area for tripping, the hosts got a goal back when Palat scored with Dostal on the bench for an extra attacker.

Cervenka sent the game to extra time when he scored with an extra attacker less than two minutes later.

Pierre-Luc Dubois was called for a reprieve early in overtime and it looked like Canada might sink again. But Cozens pulled his teammates out of the danger zone with his second short goal of the tournament.

“There is no stopping in this team,” Cozens said. “Even when [the Czechs]be bound to [the game], we didn't give up. We were short-handed, but we played for each other and found a way to win, and that's what we do as Canadians.”

Boston star David Pastrnak made his tournament debut with the hosts after the Bruins were eliminated by Florida in the second round of the NHL playoffs. He was left off the scoresheet.

WATCH: Canada remains perfect with Sunday win over Switzerland:

Canada moves past Switzerland to remain perfect in the men's hockey world

Nick Paul's winner lifts Canada to a 3-2 win over Switzerland for its sixth straight win at the Men's Hockey World Cup.

Americans beat Latvia

The United States finished second in Group B after beating Latvia 6–3 in their final preliminary match, highlighted by Cole Caufield's two goals and two assists.

Brady Tkatchuk, Matt Boldy and Zach Werenski each had a goal and an assist, and Joel Farabee also scored.

The Americans will play the Czech Republic in the quarterfinals on Thursday at 2:20 PM ET.

Latvia, last year's bronze medalist, was eliminated.

Group B winners Sweden next meet Finland, also at 2.20pm

Great Britain defeats Austria for its first victory

Great Britain overcame Austria 4-2 for its first victory at the Ice Hockey World Cup.

The victory came after six consecutive defeats for Great Britain, who finished bottom of Group A with three points and had already been relegated after a year in the top division.

Austria had to win the match under regular rules to retain a chance of qualifying for the play-off round for the first time since 1994.

Germany closed Group B with a 6–3 win over France and moved into second place with 15 points, two more than the United States. The Americans had already advanced to the next round.




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