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Boxing Day, women's tests in limbo amid standoff with Allan's government

Boxing Day, women's tests in limbo amid standoff with Allan's government


Cricket Australia has sought to maximize the value of its men's Test matches following a flat television deal early last year, when Fox Sports paid more and Channel Seven paid less of a $1.5 billion deal over seven years.


This has led to Cricket Australia attempting to create competitive excitement around Test match scheduling when little exists, especially around the iconic Boxing Day and New Year's Tests in Melbourne and Sydney.

While each agreement with the various state governments is different, many revolve around reducing costs and increasing promotion with the certainty of a six-year time frame.

The NSW Government has agreed to provide around $1 million in annual support around the SCG test, reducing costs in areas such as policing, traffic control and security, while agreeing to increase promotion of the event.

As this masthead revealed in MarchThe big winners are Western Australia, which will host the first Test in Perth, and South Australia, with the pre-Christmas Test to be played in Adelaide during the six years of the agreement.

A Victorian Government spokesperson described the Boxing Day Test as a Victorian institution.

This iconic match has attracted hundreds of thousands of cricket fans to the G for decades, the spokesperson said.

As the Southern Hemisphere's largest stadium in the heart of the city, the MCG presents the Test and the sport of cricket more widely than any other venue.

We look forward to continuing our strong relationship with Cricket Australia and the Melbourne Cricket Club during the Boxing Day Test and the upcoming summer of cricket.


There is fear in cricket circles around the Victorian government, which is taking the Boxing Day Test for granted given the huge support given to the AFL, especially around the grand final.

The Allan government is facing a debt crisis, with net debt expected to rise to $187.8 billion by June 2028, causing delays in services and infrastructure projects.

In 2018, the Victorian Government announced $500 million for the redevelopment of the MCG, Marvel Stadium and local football infrastructure, in return for a guarantee that the AFL Grand Final will remain at the MCG for 50 years.

The $225 million redevelopment of the Marvel Stadium was completed last month, while the redevelopment of the MCG will take place over four years.

Cricket Australia has already announced the schedule for next season, with India touring for their first five-Test series in more than 30 years. This also included the women's schedule.

Australia's Kim Garth celebrates a wicket with Alyssa Healy in last year's Test against England.

Australia's Kim Garth celebrates a wicket with Alyssa Healy in last year's Test against England.Credit: Getty Images

The Ashes women's pink-ball Test will be the first women's Test to be played at the MCG since 1949, and will be the second day-night Test between the women of Australia and England, following the North Sydney pink-ball match Oval in 2017.

It would also mark the first visit to the birthplace of Test cricket for the Australian women's team since they defeated India in front of 86,174 fans in the 2020 Twenty20 World Cup final.




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