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Where are they now? A look back at Michigan's 2020 recruiting class

Where are they now?  A look back at Michigan's 2020 recruiting class


After a relatively uninspiring 9-4 campaign for the 2019 Michigan football team, Michigan's 2020 recruiting class came to Ann Arbor without much fanfare. The class was ranked number 10 in the 247Sports compositehad no five-stars and only a few high-ranking four-stars.

However, as we would discover, a class cannot be judged until it is seen on the field, and this group contained some eventual stars. Today, take a look at how each player in Michigan's 2020 class fared and what they've done since enrolling at Michigan.

Players are listed in the order they are ranked in the 247Sports composite.

OT Andrew Gentry

Gentry took some time away from football after graduating high school to participate in missionary work, but joined the Wolverines in 2022. He has played sparingly so far, but has a chance to earn a starting job as a junior in 2024.

WR AJ Henning

Henning played three seasons at Michigan, primarily as a gadget receiver and punt returner. He switched to Northwest prior to the 2023 season. Henning had 418 receiving yards for the Wildcats in 2023 and is back for his final season in 2024.

THE Braids McGregor

McGregor arrived in Michigan with the expectation that he could be Michigan's next great edge rusher. He didn't quite measure up to that, but was still a solid contributor, especially the last two seasons. He recently signed with the Jets as an undrafted free agent.

RB Blake Choir

It's safe to say that Corum's career at Michigan has gone quite well. Corum dominated the past two seasons, rushing for 2,708 yards and 45 touchdowns, paving the way to winning a national championship. He is now Michigan's all-time leader in rushing touchdowns and total touchdowns with 58 and 61 respectively. He was recently drafted by the Los Angeles Rams.

RB/LB Kalel Mullings

Originally recruited to Michigan as a linebacker, Mullings made the full-time move to running back near the end of the 2022 season. He has rushed for 253 yards over the last two seasons and will play a big role alongside Donovan Edwards in 2024.

CB André Seldon

Seldon played in just two games during his first two seasons in Ann Arbor before transferring to New Mexico State. He was a starter for the Aggies in 2022 before ultimately entering the transfer portal again after the 2023 season. He committed himself to it TCU in January, but re-entered the portal in April and is now committed to Utah State.

S Jordan Morant

Morant played two seasons at Michigan and appeared primarily on special teams as a redshirt freshman in 2021. He then announced his transfer to Duke in May 2022, but ultimately transferred to Mississippi State a month later. He played in 26 games in the Bulldog secondary over the past two seasons.

CB Darion Green-Warren

Green-Warren played two seasons in Ann Arbor, but never saw any game action. He transferred to Nevada after the 2021 season.

S Makari Paige

Paige has been a steady presence at Michigan's high school level in recent years, earning All-Big Ten honors in both 2022 and 2023. He has started 18 games over the past two years and plans to take on a bigger role take, both on the field and in competition. the locker room, in 2024.

AND Zak Zinter

Zinter was a four-year contributor at Michigan, eventually becoming one of the best guards in all of college football. He was a team captain and unanimous first-team All-American in 2023, but his season was unfortunately cut short due to a broken leg suffered against State of Ohio. He was recently picked in the third round by the Cleveland Browns.

S RJ Moten

Moten was with the Wolverines for three seasons, appearing in all 28 games of the 2021 and 2022 seasons. After the 2022 campaign, he announced he was entering the transfer portal, landing with Florida. He played in six games in 2023 and is back for the 2024 season.

LB Osman Savage

Savage's career at Michigan was short-lived, as he entered the transfer portal after spending just two months in Ann Arbor. He ultimately transferred to Alabama A&M and played in just one game in the 2021 season.

DE Jaylen Harrell

Harrell put together a successful four-year run, starting 30 games over the past three seasons. He earned All-Big Ten honors in 2023 and led the team in sacks with 6.5. The Tennessee Titans selected him in the seventh round of the 2024 NFL Draft.

OT Jeffrey Percy

Although he has only started once, Persi has played in 29 games over the past two seasons. He's back with the program for his fifth season in 2024 and wants to compete for a starting job, or at least be part of the rotation.

WR Roman Wilson

Although relatively under the radar, Wilson put together a highly productive four-year career at Michigan. Wilson was Michigan's leading receiver in 2023, hauling in 48 passes for 789 yards and 12 touchdowns. The Pittsburgh Steelers selected him in the 2024 third round NFL draft.

LB Nikhai Hill-Green

Hill-Green played in 17 games for Michigan from 2020-21, but saw no game action during the 2022 season. After that season, he transferred to Charlotte and played in 11 games (seven starts) with 73 tackles. He re-entered the transfer portal after the 2023 season and is committed to Colorado.

DE Matthew Hibner

Hibner has played in 28 games for Michigan over the past three years, mostly contributing on special teams. Following the 2023 season, Hibner opted to enter the transfer portal and will play at SMU this fall.

OT Reece Atteberry

Atteberry played in 12 games over his first three seasons at Michigan along the offensive line, but ultimately switched to defensive tackle prior to the 2023 season. After the 2023 season, Atteberry entered the transfer portal but has not yet found a new home.

LB William Mohan

Mohan had a brief stint at Michigan, appearing in one game during the 2020 season. After that season, Mohan entered the transfer portal and committed to Tennessee. He played 12 games for the Vols in 2021, but was suspended ahead of the 2022 season after an arrest for a domestic dispute and hasn't played since.

LB Cornell Wheeler

Wheeler did not see the field for Michigan in 2020, opting to enter the transfer portal at the end of the season. He eventually switched to Kansaswhere he has played in 26 games over the past three seasons.

WR Eamonn Dennis

Dennis spent four seasons with the Michigan football program, appearing in 29 special teams games from 2021-23. He entered the transfer portal after the 2023 season, but has not yet committed to a new school.

DT Kris Jenkins

Jenkins was truly one of the hidden gems of the 2020 class as he appeared in 38 games over four seasons and served as a starter in 2022 and 2023. Jenkins, nicknamed The Mutant for his elite athletic ability, was selected in the second round of the league . 2024 NFL Draft by the Cincinnati Bengal.

QB Dan Villari

After not seeing the field in 2020, Villari saw action in four games for Michigan in 2021. After the season he entered the transfer portal and left for Syracuse, where he eventually switched to primarily tight end. He has filled a Taysom Hill-esque gadget role for the Dutch and is back for the 2024 season.




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