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How to cope while you wait for Cougar Football to return

How to cope while you wait for Cougar Football to return


Summer is quickly approaching, and while I'm excited for warm weather and summer vibes, this is also the time of year when I find myself staring longingly at photos from my trips to Pullman and dreaming about the football and basketball of years past . seasons, in a feeble attempt to manifest those vibrations back into my life (the good ones, not all the sad ones).

Being at the Coug for pregame, surrounded by friends both old and new, hosting watch parties at home with some homemade Cougaritas, blasting Back Home on the way to Pullman for a few beautiful days where the whole town gathers around that weekend's sporting event. The highest highs, the fear and nerves, the unbeatable atmosphere, and of course we can't forget the memes. How do we try to recreate that feeling this offseason?

Let's look together at some ways we can survive until the first Cougar Football Saturday, when the cycle of joy and pain will begin again.

  1. Highlight videos!

This year especially Jaylen Wells Crimson Chronicles series has been perfect to satiate my offseason Cougar basketball footage (and may have brought a tear to my eye after reminiscing about this dream season). Highly recommend checking out Jaylen's behind-the-scenes look at the 2023-2024 basketball season if you haven't already, with a healthy dose of silly moments with the team that really showcases the boys' personalities and thoughts this past season. Our sweet little (actually very tall) boys.

The football team got me excited and ready to be back at Martin Stadium as they announced exactly 100 days left starting on the first Cougar Football Saturday of 2024! The pain of last season is (mostly) gone, and I don't know about you, but I'm as excited as ever for Cougar football to return to Pullman, as well as to our TV screens.

2. Hyperfixate on recruitment

Ah, one of my beloved off-season hobbies. There's nothing better than obsessing over the newest Cougar recruits and making way-too-early predictions about how the season will go based entirely on the past performance of the most recent additions to the roster. This usually fills a deep hole in the hearts of sports fans as they anxiously await the return of their favorite time of year, and it has been a favorite pastime of mine all spring long.

3. Visit Pullman and get excited!

Every time I visit Pullman outside of football season, driving down Stadium Way always gives me butterflies in my stomach imagining what it looks and feels like, filled with campers, fans in their best crimson and gray, tailgaters, the marching band, Butch and more. And if you're daydreaming about Cougar Football Saturday this year, hopefully you can add Ol Crimson to that vision! Tailgates will never be the same again.

While this upcoming year of Cougar sports will undoubtedly look different than years before, I have no doubt that the memories and fun times will remain the same, if not better. Because one thing about Cougars was that they would bring the party anywhere, anytime. Only 100 days to go.




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