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Nantucket Stream | Sports overview: boys tennis, softball celebration

Nantucket Stream |  Sports overview: boys tennis, softball celebration


David Creed

This sports roundup includes updates on the boys tennis team and softball team after each team honored their seniors prior to games on Wednesday. It also includes updates on the girls lacrosse team, girls tennis team and baseball team.

Boys tennis beats Barnstable 4-1

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Nantucket boys tennis head coach David Cheever with senior Hawkin Edwardes. Photo by Chris Tran

The boys tennis team was able to honor their seniors with a ceremony prior to Wednesday's match against the Barnstable Red Hawks and with a convincing 4-1 victory afterward.

The Whalers earning wins were junior Boyan Kalpazanov, sophomore Nik Krastev, first doubles with seniors Henry Kathawala and Hawkin Edwardes, and second doubles with senior Sam Iller and freshman Fuller Holland.

The seniors honored prior to Wednesday's game were Kathawala, Edwardes, Iller and Manny Castro.

Nantucket's regular season schedule is now complete and they finished the season 7-9. In the latest div. 4 state rankings, the Whalers were the No. 18 seed. Tournament brackets will be released next week.

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Photo by Chris Tran

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Photo by Chris Tran

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Photo by Chris Tran

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Photo by Chris Tran

Softball loses to Barnstable

2024 softball seniors

From left to right: Madison Silva, Andy Tejada Hercules, Sydney Ard and Yahely Del Rosario Gomez. Photo by Mario Orozco.

The Nantucket softball team lost a high-scoring game at home to the Barnstable Red Hawks 29-21 on Wednesday. The Whalers, after winning six straight games from May 3 through May 18, have now lost three straight and are 8-8 on the season.

With two games left on the schedule, Nantucket will have to win one more game to clinch a spot in the state tournament as their rating leaves them out of the Top 32 of the Div. 4 rankings. All teams that finish with a record of .500 or better, regardless of rating, will automatically play a play-in game.

Nantucket has Mashpee and Martha's Vineyard on their schedule. The Mashpee game is at home on Friday, May 24 at 4 p.m. The Whalers defeated Mashpee 25-5 on the road on April 25.

The Whalers close their season against Marthas Vineyard on Saturday, May 25 at 12:45 p.m. Nantucket defeated Marthas Vineyard at home, 22-9, on May 5.

The Whalers also honored their four seniors after the game: Sydney Ard, Yahely Del Rosario Gomez, Andy Tejada Hercules and Madison Silva. Below are some photos taken by Mario Orozco from the ceremony.

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Photo by Mario Orozco

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Photo by Mario Orozco

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Photo by Mario Orozco

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Photo by Mario Orozco

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Photo by Mario Orozco

Girls lacrosse beats Bridgewater-Raynham

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Photo by Chris Tran

The girls lacrosse team went on the road and defeated Bridgewater-Raynham 17-7 on Wednesday to improve to 18-0 on the season with two games remaining. It was the second time BR was defeated this season as the Whalers won the first meeting on the island 14-6 on April 30.

The Whalers scorers in this match included Bailey Lower with eight goals and five assists, Emerson Pekarcik with five goals and two assists, Mayson Lower with three goals and Cydney Mosscrop with one goal and three assists. Claire Misurelli finished the game with five saves.

Nantucket remains the No. 1 seed in the Div. 4 state rankings with a rating of 8.7518, but is not far ahead of No. 2 Weston, which is 12-4 this season with a rating of 8.6966.

The Whalers conclude their regular season this weekend with a road game against Marthas Vineyard on Saturday, May 25 at 12:45 p.m. and a home game against St. John Paul II on Sunday, May 26 at 11:30 a.m.

Baseball loses on the road

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Photo by Chris Tran

The Nantucket baseball team lost 7-3 to the Sturgis West Navigators in a neutral-site game at Mass Maritime Academy on Thursday. The Whalers are now 5-14 and close their season on Saturday, May 25 at home against Martha's Vineyard at 11 a.m. am


Friday May 24:

The softball team play their final home game of the season, welcoming Mashpee to the Island for a 4 p.m. game.

The the sailing team will be on the road towards Monomoy at 4pm

Saturday May 25:

The boys lacrosse team will host Marthas Vineyard at 11 a.m

The basketball team will host Martha's Vineyard at 11 a.m

The girls lacrosse The team travels off the island to take on Marthas Vineyard at 12:45 p.m

The softball team travels to the Vineyard for a 12:45 p.m. game.

Sunday May 26:

The girls lacrosse team will receive Saint John Paul II at 11:30 am

Follow us for more coverage of all Nantucket spring sports teams Instagram, Facebookor X (Twitter). You can follow photographer Chris Tran Through click here. You can check out the MIAA power rankings here.




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