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PM Modi in Haryana: Congress creates two Muslim nations to appease vote bank

PM Modi in Haryana: Congress creates two Muslim nations to appease vote bank


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday asserted that if the Congress had its way, it would arrest everyone who said “Ram Ram”, and accused the party of dividing India and creating two Muslim nations to appease its bank of voice.

Hours before campaigning for the sixth round of seven phases of Lok Sabha polls ended, Modi, at a rally in Haryana's Mahendragarh, also claimed that the INDIA bloc was talking about having five prime ministers over the next five years. “The fight over ‘ghee’ broke out within the alliance, even before the cow gave milk,” he said.

Modi said the entire country knows the truth from the Congress. “The Congress and the INDI alliance have their vote bank in the country,” he said.

Referring to the Congress, the Prime Minister claimed that the country had been divided into “India and two Muslim nations” to appease the vote bank. “Now people from the INDI alliance are saying that Muslims have first right to the rest of India,” he added.

Targeting West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, whose Trinamool Congress (TMC) like Congress is part of the INDIA bloc, Modi said that although the Calcutta High Court had canceled OBC certificates issued to Muslims over the Last 10 to 12 years, she is not ready to accept the verdict.

“As long as I am not alive, no one can snatch reservation from Dalits and tribals,” PM Modi asserted while campaigning for Dharambir Singh, the BJP candidate for the Bhiwani-Mahendragarh seat Lok Sabha which goes to the polls along with the other nine constituencies in the country. state on May 25.

The INDIA bloc is “extremely communal, casteist and nepotist”, he said, while alleging that when the Congress was in power, it did not allow the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya.

“In Haryana, everyone says 'Ram Ram'. People say 'Ram Ram' every 10 steps,” Modi said at his third rally in the state.

“But if Congress gets its way, it will stop those who say Ram Ram,” he said.

Till the time the Congress was in power, it had not allowed the construction of the Ram temple, Modi alleged while criticizing it for rejecting the invitation to the consecration ceremony of the Ayodhya temple.

The Prime Minister claimed that an 'adviser' of the 'shehzada' – a reference to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi – had revealed that if the Congress came to power, it would want to lock down the Ram temple. The Congress has “insulted our 'astha' (devotion)”, he said.

In this election, “you will not only choose the prime minister of the country but also decide the future of the country,” Modi said at the rally which was also present by Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini.

“On one side, there is your proven 'sewak' Modi. Who is on the other side, we don't know,” he said, targeting the INDIA bloc.

“The alliance is talking about having five prime ministers in five years, with one prime minister for each year. Can a country be run like that,” Modi asked, adding that during the Haryana 'chaupals', people would make up “5,000 jokes.” of the “Five PM project” of the INDE bloc.

The SC, ST and OBC were given reservation under the Constitution, but “they want to take it back and give it to those who vote for jihad”, he said.

“You must have seen in newspapers, on television and on social media…the West Bengal High Court has delivered its judgment. In Bengal too, the INDI alliance, their conspiracy and anti-reservation mentality against the reservation of SC, ST, OBC has been destroyed,” Modi said.

“What did they do in Bengal? They gave OBC certificates to Muslims of Bengal overnight,” he said.

The reservation that should have been given to OBCs was also given to Muslims and 'ghuspathaiyes' (infiltrators), PM Modi asserted.

He said the High Court had canceled OBC certificates issued to Muslims in the last 10-12 years. “If there was no court, what would have happened. What could our oppressed brothers and sisters, Dalits and adivasi do? Look at the mentality of the INDI alliance. Bengal CM announced that he would not accept the HC verdict “It would give OBC reservation to Muslims,” Modi said.

“Congress, TMC, IND alliance and all its outfits strongly support their vote bank,” he said.

The Calcutta High Court, in its verdict on Wednesday, set aside the OBC status accorded to “77 classes” in West Bengal and noted that “religion indeed appears to have been the only criterion” for declaring these classes as OBC.

After the first three phases of voting for the Lok Sabha elections, Modi said, the INDIA bloc began to work out who was to blame for its defeat. It targeted the Election Commission over election data and electronic voting machines (EVMs), he said.

“Their (Indian bloc) government will not come for 'saat janam' and every vote given to the Congress will be in vain,” Modi said.

He also criticized the Congress on the issue of Article 370 and said that it was the party that separated Kashmir from India. “Today they are saying they will bring back Article 370 if they come to power,” Modi said.

On the Congress raising the issue of One Rank One Pension (OROP), Modi alleged that the party had cheated ex-servicemen by depriving them of OROP for many decades. Congress is full of hatred toward the military and soldiers, he charged.

Modi said it was his government that implemented OROP with an involved expenditure of Rs 1.25 lakh crore.

Published on:

May 23, 2024




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