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Inside multi-platform development using KMP and more

Inside multi-platform development using KMP and more


Posted by Murat Yener – Developer Relations Engineer

Following the recent Google I/O announcement to encourage Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) for sharing business logic across mobile, web, server, and desktop platforms, and our move to use KMP in Google Workspace, KotlinConf 2024 was our next opportunity to share highlights and connect with the Kotlin community.

Developed by JetBrains, Kotlin Multiplatform enables developers to build cross-platform apps by compiling Kotlin code to platform-native binaries while taking full advantage of the capabilities of a modern, memory-managed language. This approach is a long-term investment for the Google Workspace team, enabling the sharing of business logic across different platforms.

The Android team has been working on KMP support and recently released an alpha version of Room with KMP support. Currently, Annotations, Collections, and DataStore are stable and already support KMP. We have also unified the Lifecycle, ViewModel, and Paging libraries to enable integration with platforms other than Android.

Keynotes and Technical Sessions

The conference kicked off with a keynote address in which Google's Jeffrey van Gogh outlined Google's contributions to the Kotlin ecosystem. As part of this, Jeffrey detailed how Google is leveraging Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) to streamline development across their product portfolio. In line with recent recommendations for Android app development, Jeffrey highlighted the code sharing and efficiency benefits that KMP brings to Google's projects.

Technical sessions at KotlinConf 2024 will cover a wide range of topics.

“A Tale of Two Languages” by John Pampuch provided an interesting comparison of the evolution of Java and Kotlin, highlighting their symbiotic relationship and mutual influence. The Android Jetpack team, represented by Elif Bilgin, Yigit Boyar, and Daniel Santiago Rivera, presented “Enabling Kotlin Multiplatform Success: The Android Jetpack Journey.” They provided insights into Jetpack's current state of KMP, shared updates on KMP-enabled Jetpack libraries, and described the migration process of popular Jetpack libraries to KMP. “Going Fast with Kotlin” by Andrei Shikov shared valuable insights gained from optimizing Compose for Android. Andrei highlighted some interesting performance nuances in Kotlin and the guardrails the Compose team has established to ensure optimal performance. “Kotlin Multiplatform in Google Workspace” by Jason Parachoniak describes how Google Workspace is moving from a Java-oriented multiplatform foundation to Kotlin Multiplatform, aligning with Google's broader adoption of KMP. Jason shared the current state and lessons learned in this ambitious transition. “Write Your Own Kotlin Lint Checks!” by Tor Norbye, Director of Engineering for Android Studio, introduced how developers can now extend Android Lint, the static analysis tool used by millions of users, by writing their own checks. Contrary to the name, this is not actually Android-specific and is also used to analyze Google's internal server Kotlin and Java code.

Community Engagement at KotlinConf

We're always looking for ways to actively engage with the Kotlin community, so if you're attending KotlinConf, we hope you'll stop by our booth to chat with our engineers, get your questions answered, and learn more about how you can get started with Kotlin and KMP.

Learn more about KMP

Additionally, you can view the updated documentation and new mobile samples in KMP. These resources have everything you need to start learning KMP. If you have any feedback or encounter any issues, please share them through this link.

Future outlook

We're excited about the future of Kotlin and plan to add KMP support to even more AndroidX libraries, and look forward to seeing how you adopt and build the next generation of apps with KMP.

We'd like to thank the KotlinConf organizers, speakers, attendees, and the entire Kotlin community for helping make this event possible and bring together Kotlin enthusiasts.




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