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The Predictor – Portland Press Herald

The Predictor – Portland Press Herald


  • Jeffrey DiBartolomeo, Jesse Lamarre-Vincent, Abraham Suresh and Sean Thurston are vying for the two three-term seats for Cumberland. Suzannah Dowling and Sara Rose are vying for the open three-year seat on the school board representing North Yarmouth.

  • The inclusion of a $3 million lawn in Cumberland-North Yarmouth's One Campus School Project has dominated public conversation surrounding a $53.5 million school bond going to voters next month, but supporters say the entire package is a wise investment is.

  • A Maine ceramicist who lived in Palestine wants viewers to feel the impact of the thousands of young lives lost: “We hear numbers all the time, but what do they mean? How do they look like? We're so terrified of that.'

  • Candidates are weighing in on a proposed 49-unit housing project on Marshall Drive.

  • Heather Abbott and David Craig are seeking re-election and Raymond MacLearn hopes to dethrone one of them.

  • The city's operating costs will increase by $1.29 million this year, an increase of 6.8%, largely due to increases in the cost of living for staff and other workforce investments. Residents will vote on the $49.9 million school budget on June 11.

  • The event Saturday afternoon is a fundraiser for Mayo Street Arts in Portland.

  • Portland's Victoria Mansion is addressing a shortage of tradesmen skilled in working on historic homes with workshops that focus on the specific aspects of conservation.

  • The Yarmouth City Council voted to approve this year's budget at its May 2 meeting.

  • Councilors Mark Segrist, Shirley Storey-King and Ronald Copp are stepping down, leaving one at-large seat open, while three new candidates are seeking election.

  • The city is working on an agreement with the developer for 49 two-bedroom apartments on a 25-acre site behind the police station.

  • Money raised by Friday's 21-plus event will go toward the museum's Community Fund and other accessibility programs.

  • Matt Sturgis, who left next week for a job in Cumberland, led the city with respect, cooperation and kindness, his colleagues say.

  • The show, directed by Janie Downey, runs May 17-26 at Royal River Community Players.

  • The show, featuring work by 22 students, is sold out but can be viewed from the sidewalk during the First Friday Art Walk.

  • Karen Montanaro will perform her one-woman show in Freeport on Saturday in honor of her late husband and the life they had together.

  • A wreath is laid at the memorial for the USS Eagle, which was torpedoed off the coast 79 years ago.

  • The Cove Street Arts exhibition features photographers all associated with Maine showcasing the coast.

  • Charlie Moore and Nick Prato will perform Friday at a concert to benefit the Greely High School music department.

  • The May 11 tour will feature seven newly renovated kitchens.

  • A community celebration will be held in Westbrook on Saturday with a parade, traditional music, dancing and food.

  • Sunset Farm will be maintained as Forever Farm indefinitely.

  • The GapTracks project is analyzing the animal population on the unfinished section of the Eastern Trail between the Wainwright Recreation Complex in South Portland and the Nonesuch River in Scarborough.

  • Nearly $2.3 million of the proposed $3.2 million increase is for salaries and benefits of employees in the Cumberland-North Yarmouth district.

  • The Falmouth Land Trust has partnered with several local libraries to encourage patrons to get outside and explore nature.

  • The library is also looking for a person of color to curate the exhibit.

  • Scott LaFlamme has been filling the position on an interim basis since longtime Town Manager Nat Tupper retired in January.

  • The nonprofit Sea Meadow Marine will receive $790,000 to upgrade its infrastructure as part of its mission to preserve the working waterfront.

  • Project Home Trust provides the women with a monthly payment.

  • The resolution urges gun owners in the District to follow safety protocols, including safe and secure storage of firearms and ammunition.

  • Ellen Turner, a caring longtime special educator who died last fall, would be proud of her granddaughters' fundraising campaign for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, they said.

  • “When they put their own stories on stage, they understand on a different level what it is like to get your story out there and the responsibility that entails,” says Isaac Kestenbaum, director of the Zout Institute for Documentary Studies.

  • A public meeting about the proposed Gorham Connector, which would cut through the farm, is drawing hundreds of opponents to the plan.

  • Matthew Sturgis will replace longtime Cumberland manager Bill Shane, who is retiring in July.

  • Many libraries are handing out free solar eclipse glasses to patrons in preparation for the April 8 event.

  • The Cumberland-North Yarmouth school board is voting in favor of moving forward with the $53.5 million project, which also includes funding for an artificial turf field for the high school and four new classrooms at the Mabel I. Wilson School.

  • The plan calls for a new firefighter, a part-time library job for a student and funding to cover costs related to November's presidential election.

  • South Portland's police chief says the site of the now-vacant high school is not suitable for a new police station.

  • In honor of National Poetry Month, Patten Free Library will hold its fourth annual Poetry Walk next month.

  • April 30 is the deadline for providing feedback on the plan that will guide the city's policy decisions in the coming years, ranging from housing to transportation.

  • The not-for-profit organisation, which has expanded its offering, is hosting a leadership retreat and ball for children aged 12 to 17 in Bridgton next month.

  • Seven-year-old Carter Torina from Yarmouth has amassed a following for his trading nights, which are now available online, and he will host a show at Hadlock Field this summer.

  • The suggestion comes as the City Council hears an update on an $842,000 plan to address traffic and safety issues at Route 77's intersections with Scott Dyer and Shore roads.

  • The main beneficiary of the March 24 event is Make a Wish Maine.

  • The owners say they currently have no plans to build a homeless shelter on the site as well, but some Thornton Heights residents are opposed to any development because they say Howard Johnson has been a bad neighbor and their neighborhood has suffered.

  • More student programs, more materials and more field trips will be made available through a recent grant to the Land Trust.

  • The Westbrook Regional Vocational Center is anticipating $1.5 million in federal funding to build a live fire facility.

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