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Team USA could help with Matt Boldy – Minnesota Wild consistency problem

Team USA could help with Matt Boldy – Minnesota Wild consistency problem


Matt Boldy has the makings of a star. While not quite a superstar like Kirill Kaprizov, Boldy is nowhere near reaching his ceiling. When Kaprizov was injured, Boldy stepped up and went on a run of points. He was on fire while the Wild were missing their superstar. The problem was that he faded into the background a bit once Kaprizov was healed enough to play.

Team USA was just eliminated from the IIHF Men's Hockey Championships in the quarterfinals, but Boldy is making headlines with his performance. While missing the playoffs was a huge disappointment, maybe playing for Team USA will help Boldy work out some kinks in his game for next season.

Matt Boldy led the tournament in points until Team USA was eliminated from the championships. He played on the first line next to Johnny Gaudreau and Brady Tkachuk all the time, and his scoring was incredibly visible.

Playing with a different group of players might have made Boldy more assertive on the ice. Because he had only been playing together for a few weeks, there may have been less certainty about his ability to read plays from the other players. Hopefully, Boldy's performance made him feel more comfortable with his decision-making. He had 14 points (6 goals and 8 assists) in addition to a +8 in 14 games played. If Boldy could continue at a point-per-game pace during the regular season, imagine how valuable that would be!

Another great thing about being part of Team USA is that it was coached by John Hynes. Although Hynes spent most of the season with Boldy and the Wild, it was such an extraordinary season for the team that I'm confident Hynes operated day in and day out while the team dealt with numerous injuries.

Fans seem to forget that Boldy is only 23. Building a good relationship with the new head coach will be invaluable to him. If Boldy and Hynes can find a way to gel, Hynes could find the key to getting Boldy to a high level. Again, imagine having both Kaprizov and Boldy as guaranteed point-per-game players. Even with another year of salary cap, that's tempting.

Another indirect benefit for Boldy if he can find his consistency is that it could go a long way in convincing Kaprizov to sign an extension with Minnesota. While I'm not personally concerned about it, there is a large contingent of Wild fans who see this as a legitimate problem. If Kaprizov knew he could count on Boldy to help him with the offense every night, maybe it would take some of the pressure off Kaprizov.

Overall, playing at Worlds with Team USA will be a big boost to Boldy's confidence. As he gains confidence, he will stop delaying the older or more experienced players on the ice and take the shot himself. It will be interesting to see how he looks at the start of next season and if there is any noticeable difference.

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