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Dakota Fanning dazzles in a black dress alongside co-star Andrew Scott at the official screening of Netflix thriller series Ripley in Los Angeles

Dakota Fanning dazzles in a black dress alongside co-star Andrew Scott at the official screening of Netflix thriller series Ripley in Los Angeles


Dakota Fanning stars alongside Andrew Scott in the new Netflix neo-noir psychological thriller limited series Ripley.

And on Friday, the 30-year-old former child actor joined several of his fellow cast and crew for the official ATAS screening of Netflix's Ripley at FYSEE at Sunset Studios Las Palmas in Los Angeles.

Fanning looked elegant in a sleek black dress with a plunging neckline and a small opening on the stomach which she teamed with a pair of black heels.

To complete her overall look, Fanning wore her long blonde hair straight and kept jewelry to a minimum.

Scott stars in the title role as Tom Ripley, a washed-up con artist in late 1950s New York, hired by a wealthy man to convince his prodigal son to return from Italy.

Dakota Fanning, 30, joined her co-star Andrew Scott, 47, for the official ATAS screening of Netflix's Ripley at FYSEE at Sunset Las Palmas Studios in Los Angeles

Fanning stars as Marge Sherwood while Scott (pictured) plays the title role of Tom Ripley

Dakota Fanning, 30, joined her co-star Andrew Scott, 47, for the official ATAS screening of Netflix's Ripley at FYSEE at Sunset Las Palmas Studios in Los Angeles

But Tom's introduction to Dickie Greenleaf's comfortable, quiet life abroad proves to be “the first step in a complex life of deception, fraud and murder.”

The Irish actor, 47, looked handsome in black pinstriped pants with a white patterned dress shirt over a white tank top and black dress shoes.

Alongside Scott and Fanning, the cast also includes Johnny Flynn, Eliot Sumner, Margherita Buy, Maurizio Lombardi, as well as guests Kenneth Lonergan, Ann Cusack, Bokeem Woodbine, Vittorio Viviani, Louis Hofmann, Fisher Stevens and John Malkovich.

The two lead actors posed for photos side-by-side, then were joined by Sumner, who looked cool and stylish in a black pinstripe suit that he paired with a white tee and black boots.

There is also a group photo of Scott, Fanning and Sumner with David Gropman, Jeff Russo, Steven Zaillian and Robert Elswit.

Created, written and directed by Zaillian, the series is based on Patricia Highsmith's 1955 detective novel The Talented Mr. Ripley.

The eight-episode limited series is the first series adaptation of Highsmith's novel.

“Having eight hours to explore these characters that we think we know, whether through the book or through the [1999] film adaptation, I was like, 'Oh, this is going to be amazing,'” Fanning said of her role as Marge Sherwood. Netflix Queue.

Fanning looked elegant in a sleek black dress with a plunging neckline and a small opening on the stomach which she teamed with a pair of black heels.

Fanning looked elegant in a sleek black dress with a plunging neckline and a small opening on the stomach which she teamed with a pair of black heels.

To complete her overall look, Fanning wore her long blonde hair straight and kept her jewelry to a minimum.

To complete her overall look, Fanning wore her long blonde hair straight and kept jewelry to a minimum.

The two lead actors were also joined by their co-star Eliot Sumner.

The two main actors were also joined by Eliot Sumner.

Created, written and directed by Zaillian, the series is based on Patricia Highsmith's 1955 detective novel The Talented Mr. Ripley.

Created, written and directed by Zaillian, the series is based on Patricia Highsmith's 1955 detective novel The Talented Mr. Ripley.

The leading actress and actor participated in a group photo that included David Gropman, Jeff Russo, Andrew Scott, Dakota Fanning, Eliot Sumner, Steven Zaillian and Robert Elswit.

The leading actress and actor participated in a group photo that included David Gropman, Jeff Russo, Andrew Scott, Dakota Fanning, Eliot Sumner, Steven Zaillian and Robert Elswit.

Fanning began her career as a child actress with her breakthrough role in I Am Sam (2001).

Fanning began her career as a child actress with her breakthrough role in I Am Sam (2001).

The stars also posed in a living room during the screening

The stars also posed in a living room during the screening

Fanning joined Scott and Eliot Sumner on the couch while promoting the screening

Fanning joined Scott and Eliot Sumner on the couch while promoting the screening

Initially, Ripley was supposed to air on Showtime, but ended up streaming on Netflix on April 4.

Initially, Ripley was supposed to air on Showtime, but ended up streaming on Netflix on April 4.

She added: “I was so in awe of Steve and Andrew. So when I [was cast as] Marge, I was overwhelmed with excitement. Just hearing Steve’s vision and how dedicated he was to the story, you knew you were going to be supported. It is so detailed that you would always know exactly where you stood. And that's what I love as an actor.

Fanning's breakthrough role in her young career was opposite that of Sean Penn in I Am Sam (2001), which was filmed when she was just six years old.

Her Hollywood resume also includes Uptown Girls (2003), Man On Fire (2004), War Of The Worlds (2005), Charlotte's Web (2006), The Secret Life Of Bees (2008), as well as the lead role in Coraline (2009). .

Fanning has also starred in a number of other popular films such as The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009), The Runaways (2009), The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010), The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012 ), Ocean’s. 8 (2018) and The Equalizer 3 (2023).

Ripley was originally scheduled to air on Showtime, but in February 2023, the show was moved to Netflix.

It premiered on April 4 and received critical praise for its writing, direction, production design, cinematography, music and performances, particularly for Scott's portrayal of Tom Ripley.




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