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The US falls painfully short in its shock victory at the Cricket World Cup in New York

The US falls painfully short in its shock victory at the Cricket World Cup in New York


The US was left reeling from another incredible setback at the Cricket World Cup as India romped to a seven-wicket victory in New York.

Batting first, USA made a disastrous start, falling to 3-2 in the first over, but recovered to post a respectable 110-8.

And they made a brilliant start to defend that total, with Indian captain Virat Kohli falling to Saurabh Netravalkar for a golden duck on the second ball of the match.

Rohit Sharma and Rishabh Pant followed and India were 39-3 after 7.3 overs.

And for a fair portion of India's innings, the US made it more exciting than many of the 31,000 fans at Nassau Stadium expected.

The US was left behind in another incredible setback in the T20 cricket World Cup against India

The US was left behind in another incredible setback in the T20 cricket World Cup against India

USA defended 110 and made a brilliant start by removing a scoreless Virat Kohli in New York

USA defended 110 and made a brilliant start by removing a scoreless Virat Kohli in New York

And the hosts followed this up by removing India captain Rohit Sharma in an excellent start

And the hosts followed this up by removing India captain Rohit Sharma in an excellent start

But Shivam Dube and Suryakumar Yadav, who finished unbeaten on 50, led the recovery to steer India to victory and to the Super 8.

Yadvav's 50 runs came off 49 balls, including two fours and two sixes. He scored 72 runs off 65 balls for the unbeaten fourth wicket with Shivam Dube, who scored 31 not out as India finished 111-3 in 18.2 overs in reply to 110-8 (20 overs) by the United States.

Left-arm pacer Arshdeep Singh took 4-9 in four overs to restrict the co-hosts after India won the toss and elected to play first.

USA didn't help themselves – they were given a five-run penalty in the 15th over for taking more than 60 seconds between overs for the third time in the Indian innings.

But overall it was a performance to be proud of for the co-hosts in the World Cup final match in New York. The stadium, consisting of stands from the Las Vegas Grand Prix, is now being dismantled.

“We knew this was going to be a tough task,” India captain Rohit Sharma said. “We lost some wickets up front but we showed some maturity to take the game to the end.

“We played with a lot of these American players and I am very happy to see their progress in cricket. They are getting stronger and I wish nothing but the best for them. They're hard-working guys and they're making their mark in the US.”

Had the US won, Pakistan would have been knocked out of the tournament. They then play against Ireland in Florida on Friday. If you win, they probably still go to the Super 8.

“I'd say we were 10-15 points short on that court,” USA captain Aaron Jone said. “We knew 125-130 would be a tough total to chase, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

“I'm happy to bring the game as close as we did and how the boys bowled with such good discipline.

“The crowd was great, we've been waiting for this for the last few years, so we're always going to make the most of it.

'We still have a game to play so we will regroup and come back hard against Ireland after some discussion.'




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