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Emma Raducanu chooses Paris 2024, Andy Murray to participate in the Olympic Swan Song

Emma Raducanu chooses Paris 2024, Andy Murray to participate in the Olympic Swan Song


Emma Raducanu has turned down the chance to represent Great Britain at next month's Olympic Games in Paris. The 2021 US Open champion, who is still recovering from surgery on her wrists and ankle, was offered one of two International Tennis Federation (ITF) spots reserved for former Grand Slam champions. However, Raducanu has chosen to focus on her fitness and preparing for the upcoming British grass season. Raducanu's current world ranking is too low to qualify directly for the Olympics, a result of her time away from the sport due to injury. The 21-year-old missed the French Open, which will be played on the same Roland Garros clay courts that will host the Olympic tennis tournament, to ensure she is in top condition for the British grass swing.

Iain Bates, head of Great Britain's Olympic tennis team, shared insights into Raducanu's decision. “I have had several conversations with Emma over the last few weeks and a little longer period where it is very clear how much it would mean to her to be part of a British team at the Olympic Games,” said Bates.

“I think she feels like this is not the right timing for her this summer. Hopefully she has a lot of Olympics ahead of her. I feel very comfortable with the decision she has made.”

Meanwhile, two-time Olympic gold medalist Andy Murray will compete in what could be his final tournament. The 37-year-old tennis icon, who won gold at London 2012 and Rio 2016, has been awarded an ITF place for Paris 2024.

Earlier this year, Murray hinted that he did not expect to “play much this summer”, adding a layer of poignancy to his participation in the upcoming Games.

Great Britain's tennis nominations, announced at the Queen's Club on Sunday, include a mix of seasoned players and rising stars. Murray is joined in the men's singles by Cameron Norrie, Jack Draper and Dan Evans. Katie Boulter is the only British woman to have qualified based on ranking.

In doubles, Murray and Dan Evans pair up in the men's doubles. Joe Salisbury and Neal Skupski will also compete in the men's doubles, utilizing their high world rankings. For the women's doubles, Boulter and Heather Watson will team up, along with another duo, Harriet Dart and Maia Lumsden.

The Olympic tennis tournament, held at Roland Garros from July 27 to August 4, includes five medal events: women's singles, men's singles, women's doubles, men's doubles and mixed doubles. As the event approaches, the ITF will finalize and announce the full entry list on July 4.



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