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100 years of football Butch Mosby 1993

100 years of football Butch Mosby 1993


As Murray State Athletics celebrates its 100th season in football history, the Racer Report Podcast and the Runnin' with the Racers Podcast recap some of the great moments from the previous 99 seasons, of team and individual achievements.

Visit Racers Podcast Central for both podcasts and the Racer Report LIVE Podcast kicking off the week of the Racers' 100e season opener at Missouri (August 29), the first game for Murray State head coach Jody Wright. Racers Podcast Central can be found wherever you find podcasts, but especially on, iTunes and Spotify.

The date was October 2, 1993. Butch Mosby was a rising quarterback from Louisville and the Racers' starter in Nutt's fifth game of his freshman season.

The Racers hit the road for Martin, Tennessee and a match at Hardy Graham Stadium after defeating Southeast Missouri weeks earlier for their first win under Coach Nutt.

Mosby completed his first 19 pass attempts (7 of 7 first half), setting the NCAA and FCS record, and capped it off by leading the Racers to a 28-21 victory over the Skyhawks. For the game, Mosby hit 22 of 23 passes for 209 yards.

“It (the record) never crossed my mind, I went out and played the game to win,” Mosby said 31 years after this game. “I never thought about stats, but this was a crazy game, right? I had no idea this was going on because if you go back and look at the game film, there's a pass play early on that I thought was an incompletion I remember you throwing a swing pass in the flat to David Cox and knocking it down.

However, the stat book shows that this was considered a lateral (backwards) pass and was therefore a fumble as the ball went out of bounds.

The Racers maintained possession and Mosby continued to complete passes.

Mosby completed passes to

“I hit pretty much every pass I tried,” Mosby added. “I was just going through my progress, from A to B to C.”

Mosby scored with his legs from 5 yards out with 38 seconds left to force overtime and the Racers took the win when Mosby hit Matt Hall with a 25-yard strike during their first extra time for the win.

“Coach Nutt teased me about the one pass I missed,” Mosby recalled. “That's when I tried to take more than I should have. Instead of reading A, B, C, I just went straight, I'm going to throw this right down the middle no matter who's there! It almost got intercepted. That was the one I missed.”

Mosby's 19 of 19 was the NCAA record in 1993. The current record was set in 2013 when Princeton's Quinn Epperly completed 29 consecutive passes against Cornell.

Mosby's 22-of-23 that day had a completion percentage of .956, also a national record. Currently, the FCS record for 20+ passes belongs to Ricky Santos of New
Hampshire who went 25 of 26 against Northeastern in 2005 for a percentage of .961.

The week after this win, Mosby was named OVC Player of the Week and the USA Today National 1-AA Player of the Week.

Mosby went on to play six seasons of professional football in Germany and had a brief career as a musical artist.

Still living in his hometown of Louisville, Mosby founded Sponsor 4 Success, an organization dedicated as a long-term community partner committed to supporting the future success of children, teens, young adults, families and seniors in underserved communities.

Mosby's exploits came at the beginning of Coach Nutt's astonishing era, which ultimately saw the team go undefeated in Ohio Valley Conference play in 1995 and 1996 as back-to-back league championships. MSU went on to win the Racers' lone postseason game at home in 1996 against Western Illinois.

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