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Defending ACHA National Champions, MD1 Hockey, Complete Roster; Reload with Ten Newcomers

Defending ACHA National Champions, MD1 Hockey, Complete Roster; Reload with Ten Newcomers
Defending ACHA National Champions, MD1 Hockey, Complete Roster; Reload with Ten Newcomers


ADRIAN, born — The Adrian College Men's American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) Division 1 hockey program is proud to announce its official roster for 2024-2025.

The team recently completed its tryout camp, which resulted in a great success in determining the 31-man roster. The ten newly selected players include five defensemen and five forwards. The defensive core was strengthened with Jonah Ziskinder (Thornhill, ON / Brantford 99ers OJHL), Braidan Simmons-Fischer (Detroit, MI / University of St. Thomas NCAA DI), Griffin Zaske (Milford, MI / Corpus Christi ice blasting NAHL), Cale Strasky (Langley, BC / Northern Manitoba Blizzard MJHL), and Blake Hiltermann (Calgary, AB / Red Lake Miners SIJHL). The five members of the new group are: Keegan DeCaluwe (Port Franks, ON / Aurora Tigers OJHL), Brandon Nye (Markham, ON / Lindsay Muskies OJHL), Andreas Fleutot (Megève, France / Westfield State University NCAA DIII), Matteo Turrin (Sainte-Barbe, QC / Castleton University NCAA DIII) and Cash Regan (Olds, AB/University of Central Oklahoma ACHA DI).

The ten new players join the twenty-one returning players who finished the previous season with a 34-5-0 record to win their eighth consecutive GLCHL Regular Season Championship and also capture the 2024 ACHA Division 1 National Championship; the third in program history.

The roster consists of eight seniors, five juniors, ten sophomores, six freshmen and two graduate students. As expected, it is a very diverse group with student-athletes from all over North America, including the state of Michigan (12), Ohio (1), New Jersey (1) and the Canadian provinces of Ontario (8), Alberta (5), British Columbia (2), Quebec (1) and other countries, France (1).

“I am very happy with our final selection,” said head coach,Gary Astaloswho is entering his ninth season at the helm of the MD1 Bulldogs. “It's really exciting to bring a core group from last season, while also adding some really good freshmen and transfers. This group is very motivated and I know we're extremely excited to start training next week.”

The Bulldogs open the season on Thursday, September 26, visitingand for a 7:00 puck drop against the Trine University Thunder. Adrian will then host Trine for the home opener and the 2024 National Championship Banner Raising Ceremony on September 27and at the Arrington Ice Arena at 7:00 p.m.

Tickets for all home games can be purchased on the Adrian College Athletics website. For more information on the Adrian College Men's ACHA Division 1 hockey team, follow them on social media, @AdrianMD1Hockey.




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