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Hockey battles through weekend split, remains undefeated in conference – KentWired

Hockey battles through weekend split, remains undefeated in conference – KentWired
Hockey battles through weekend split, remains undefeated in conference – KentWired


Goals numbers three and four of the season for sophomore midfielder Eva Usoz propelled the Kent State field hockey team past the Longwood University Lancers 2-1 on Friday.

She is currently a real threat on offense and is also doing great defensively, according to coach Heather Hefner. She is becoming a complete player and shows that she is able to change the game and put the ball in the back of the net.

The win against Longwood moved the Flashes into a tie for second place with James Madison in the Mid-American Conference standings. Against the MAC, Kent State is 2-0, trailing only Appalachian State at 3-0.

Kent State only recorded four shots on goal against Longwood, but Usoz was able to connect on both of her shots.

There are many great qualities about Eva, Hefner said. She is a competitor and leads those around her. When she plays both sides of the ball, it inspires others around her to do the same.

The Flashes earned their first road win of the season. They will look to build on that as five of their final eight games will be played away from Murphy-Mellis Field.

Our girls really found a way to let loose and have fun, Hefner said. Along the way you have to be ready to come out and take care of business, and they did that very well.

Although the Flashes were riding high after their second straight win, they were defeated 3-1 by Wake Forest University on Sunday.

After the teams won against Ball State on September 20, Hefner wanted to see a more physical team, and she was happy with that against Wake Forest.

That was the big focus this weekend, and especially at Wake, Hefner said. I looked at the girls and said, No matter the score, I want this to be a brutal fight. I want us to have a template for what gritty looks like and what brutal looks like, and they did that.

Usoz found the back of the net in the second quarter to give the Flashes a 1-0 lead. This was her third straight game with a goal, and she added to her team leading total, now at 13.

The goal was assisted by junior forward Emma Rolston and senior back Arden Goddard-Despot.

The match was tied at 1-1 at halftime and the Flashes found themselves outshot 12-3.

Freshman goalkeeper Lieve Jensen was busy stopping all six of Wake Forest's shots on goal in the first quarter.

Despite its gritty performance, Wake Forest found the back of the net twice in the second half. KSU was outscored 17-4 on goal, yielding three goals in their two-goal loss.

Kent State fell to 2-7 overall, while Wake Forest moved to 3-6.

It was a great game and it was fun to play, but we were still trying to figure out how to play those full 60 minutes, Hefner said. But they did a fantastic job, they were diving, they were consistent and they executed the game plan they put in front of them.

A good one at home

Kent State returns home to Murphy-Mellis Field to take on the Appalachian State University Mountaineers on Friday at 2 p.m.

The Mountaineers are 6-3 and top the MAC standings at 3-0 against the conference.

Appalachian State, a university in western NC, was hit by Hurricane Helene and the team played games in Charlotte, NC

In light of everything going on in the world, we look forward to having them and being there for whatever they need in the midst of bigger things than hockey, Hefner said.

After Friday's game, only one team will be undefeated against the MAC, and the other will suffer its first blemish.

“We were happy to be able to scout them this week and put together a good game plan,” Hefner said. Hopefully we can get the win on Friday.

Andrew Gold is a reporter. Contact him at [email protected].




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