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Disney is adding six 'Monday Night Football' simulcasts to ABC's fall schedule

Disney is adding six 'Monday Night Football' simulcasts to ABC's fall schedule
Disney is adding six 'Monday Night Football' simulcasts to ABC's fall schedule


Disney is taking a strategy that boosted the company during the recent Hollywood labor strikes and is working to apply it to business as usual.

The company plans to simulcast six broadcasts of “Monday Night Football,” usually an ESPN mainstay, on the ABC broadcast network, a maneuver likely to generate a broader audience for the games and higher ratings than it usual Monday evening rate from the outlet. which was expected to consist of reality programming and game shows, including 'Celebrity Wheel of Fortune'. Even a Wednesday night offering, “Scamanda,” will be rescheduled. Now ABC hosts “Monday Night Football” on October 14 and 21; November 4, 18 and 25; and Dec. 23 — all in addition to eight regular-season or postseason games that were expected to be televised.

Last fall, Disney and the NFL agreed to 10 additional simulcasts on ABC, a move that would protect the network from viewership shortages caused by the lack of programming due to writers' and actors' strikes. This year, the league and the media giant appear to have reached similar terms — even without labor shortage concerns. The NFL approved the scheduling changes, which are effective only for the current TV season.

However, Disney continues to grapple with the consequences of its audiences abandoning traditional broadcast and cable television for streaming video. Sports programming seems to be the only category that still attracts the large concurrent audiences that both advertisers and distributors crave. The league has consistently encouraged its media partners to contribute ideas on how to expand the reach of the games they broadcast, according to a person familiar with the NFL's vision.

Still, ABC had made significant efforts to promote the series it would debut, including “Scamanda,” a Wednesday night series based on a true-crime podcast. The decision will also delay some of the final episodes of “Wheel of Fortune,” which features longtime host Pat Sajak, who recently resigned from his position.

Ratings and audience were two major factors that played a role in the decision, people familiar with the matter said. “Monday Night Football” experienced its most-watched series in 23 years last season, with viewership surpassing both the previous 18 seasons on ESPN and the last five seasons on ABC. Additionally, adding the games to ABC allows the network to run its more traditional schedule — shows like “Celebrity Wheel of Fortune” and “Press Your Luck” — without the precautions that would likely be caused by coverage of the 2024 presidential election. , and a few “MNF” games that were already set to appear on ABC.

The move is not without ripple effects. Disney's decision will open up new, potentially more expensive commercial inventory for advertisers. It could play a role in affecting ratings for ABC's “Good Morning America,” which depends to some extent on the network's ability to keep viewers from the previous night's AM offerings. The new “MNF” simulcasts will also give Disney a bigger megaphone to promote other shows and series with promos that the network typically deploys during commercial breaks.




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