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Saudi Arabian Table Tennis Federation

Saudi Arabian Table Tennis Federation


The Saudi Arabian Table Tennis Federation (TTF) is one of the sports federations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a sports authority with a legal personality. It has specific objectives defined by the regulations and laws of the federation, as well as by the instructions of the International Federation, the Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Sports (MoS).

Establishment of TTF

TTF is considered one of the oldest sports federations in the Kingdom. It was founded in 1956 under the name of the Saudi Arabian Table Tennis Committee, with its headquarters in the city of Riyadh. In 1979 it was decided to change the name to the Saudi Tennis and Table Tennis Federation. Then in 1993 it was decided to separate table tennis and tennis and form two independent federations, each responsible for their respective sport. The name became the Saudi Arabian Table Tennis Federation.

TTF has several regional and international connections. It has several memberships, including being a founding member of the Arab Table Tennis Federation since 1956 and hosting its headquarters from 1975 to 2017. It has been a member of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) since 1976, a membership of the Asian Table Tennis Federation. Union since 1974, and member of the GCC Table Tennis Organizing Committee since 1977. In addition to his role and membership in the Saudi Arabian Table Tennis Association, which was founded in 1975.

Objectives of TTF

TTF actively strives to achieve a series of objectives aimed at improving the competitiveness and overall performance of the game. These objectives include promoting the sport and increasing the number of participants in all regions and governorates of the Kingdom, building formidable national teams that can achieve success on the world stage, and promoting collaborations with various sectors that align with the objectives of the federation and the sport. Furthermore, TTF fully cooperates with MoS, the Olympic Committee and every other Saudi sports federation. This is in addition to implementing internal gaming activities to contribute to the growth of the sport and increasing the number of participants, taking the technical, administrative and organizational aspects of the game to the next level, and formulating plans and strategies in line with international standards to promote the sport and achieve excellence in performance. performance.

The federation also focuses on strengthening its relationships with international sports organizations related to the game, training centers and specialized academies. To achieve this, it sets a timeline for its activities and programs, closely monitors their implementation and adheres to the statutes and regulations of ITTF, MoS or the Olympic Committee. In addition, the federation actively identifies talented athletes and enrolls them in programs aimed at refining their skills and improving their capabilities. It works to deepen cooperation between the federation, clubs and affiliated entities.

TTF Committee

The structure of TTF includes several committees responsible for managing its activities, namely: the Competition and Referee Committee, the Training and National Teams Committee, the Development Committee, the Players Committee, the Media Committee, the Pioneer Committee, the Investment and Marketing Committee and the paralympic committee.

TTF Articles of Association and Regulations

TTF operates in accordance with internal statutes and regulations that strengthen the institutional work of its activities. These include the TTF regulatory statutes, the TTF financial statutes, the personnel statutes, the TTF statutes, the referee statutes, the competition statutes and the player statutes.

TTF Championships

TTF has 3,478 players in its 152 clubs. It organizes several national-level championships and also collaborates and oversees participation in regional and international championships and competitions. Activities include official competitions and championships, international and official competitions, external competitions, friendly competitions, internal competitions and tournaments.

TTF is responsible for organizing and supervising a total of eighteen tournaments and competitions. These include: 1- the Premier League competition, 2- the first division club competition, 3- the top youth league competition, 4- the first junior league competition, 5- the Saudi Federation Cup for both the Premier League and the first division, 6 – the Saudi Federation Cup for youth and juniors from the premier division, 7- Kingdom Championship for juniors, 8- Kingdom Championship for youth, 9- Kingdom Championship for clubs of the upper second division, 10- Prince Faisal Bin Fahd Singles Championship and doubles (men, youth and juniors), 11- Prince Faisal bin Fahd Doubles Championship (youth and juniors), 12- First Classification Championship for singles (men, youth and juniors), 13- First Classification Championship for singles (juniors and Olympic games), 14-second classification championships for singles (men, youth and juniors), 15-second classification championships for singles (juniors and Olympics), 16-elite championship for singles in all age groups, 17- open Kingdom championship and 18- open Kingdom championship for women .




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