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Indiana Field Hockey travels to No. 3 Ohio State and No. 7 Michigan

Indiana Field Hockey travels to No. 3 Ohio State and No. 7 Michigan


BLOOMINGTON, Ind. After splitting the weekend in Bloomington, Indiana Field Hockey hits the road for the final two road games of the season against conference opponents. The Hoosiers open the weekend in Columbus against No. 3 Ohio State on Friday, Oct. 25 and close the weekend against No. 7 Michigan on Sunday, Oct. 27 in Ann Arbor.


-Indiana split in their two games in Bloomington last weekend. They started by getting their second win against No. 18 Cal, 2-0, on Friday and ended the weekend with a 2-1 loss to Stanford.

-Against Cal, the Hoosiers applied pressure from the start, allowing Cal to only four shots and zero penalty corners in the first three minutes.

Meredith Lee scored her second goal of the season to give Indiana the lead midway through the second quarter.

Hanna Riddle would score her first career goal late in the third quarter to give Indiana a 2-0 lead.

-With only two minutes left in the game, Cal cleared the goal for one last attempt to score, but Sadie Canelli secured the goal and gave Indiana their fourth straight win.

-On Sunday, Indiana ended their four-game winning streak when they fell to Stanford.

-Stanford opened the scoring with a goal in the second quarter to take a 1-0 lead.

-The Cardinal extended their lead to 2-0 midway through the third quarter, taking a 2-0 lead.

-Riddle found the back of the cage on a penalty corner to get Indiana on the board heading into the fourth quarter.

-Indiana picked up the pace in the final quarter and had eight penalty corners in that time.


-Indiana will have four players return home this weekend to play in their home states of Ohio and Michigan.

Javi Baeza, Maggie Carter And Charlotte Glasper are all from the state of Ohio. All three are from Shaker Heights, where they played together during their high school years.

-Redshirt sophomore Cecilia Maixner will return to her home state and city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Sunday. Her alma mater, Pioneer High School, is across the street from Michigan Stadium.


-Nine different Hoosiers have scored a goal this season: Inés Garcia Prado, Yip from Wonders, Sydney Keld, Sofia Arrebola Garcia, Jemima Cookson, My Hagen, Meredith Lee, Maggie Carter And Hanna Riddle.

-Garcia Prado leads the way with six goals, while Van Wonderen and Hagen follow with five goals each. Keld has three goals, while Lee and Riddle have two each. Arrebola Garcia, Cookson and Carter each have one goal this season.

-As a team, 19 Hoosiers had a chance. Garcia Prado and van Wonderen lead all players with 37 and 31 shots respectively, followed by Keld (28), Arrebola Garcia (25), Jemima Cookson (16), and Meghan Dillon (15).

-113 of the team's total 211 shots were on target (54%).

Sofia Arrebola Garcia currently leads the team in assists with five. Lara Mortz follows with three assists while Ricci, Cookson and van Wonderen each have two assists. Garcia Prado, Hagen, Lee and Emma Thompson also have one each.

Sadie Canelli has taken over the starting job in the cage for the Hoosiers after making her first career start in Miami (Ohio). She recorded seven saves in that game and 45 saves in her first ten appearances.

-The Hoosiers deserve more shot opportunities than the competition. Indiana averages 15.1 shots per game, compared to the opponent's 8.9 shots per game.


Indiana will play the seventh- and eighth-seeded teams on the season, as Ohio State and Michigan are currently ranked third and seventh, respectively, in the NFHCA Division I Coaches Poll.

-Ohio State is 12-2 with ranked wins against No. 20 Albany, No. 10 Syracuse, No. 18 Old Dominion, No. 13 Louisville, No. 17 Penn State, No. 8 Maryland. Their two losses came against conference opponents in No. 6 Michigan and Rutgers.

-Makenna Webster currently leads the Buckeyes with 13 goals scored. Katie Fichtner follows in the scoring rankings with six goals, while Brenna Bough, Lindsey Roberts and Hallie Brost each have five goals.

-Webster also leads Ohio State in assists with nine, followed by Claudia Thomas and Anne Marie Krebs who have five and three, respectively.

-Ohio State earns more shot attempts than its opponents. They average 15 shots per game, compared to their opponents' 8.6 shots.

-Michigan is 11-2 with wins against No. 18 Wake Forest, Providence, Michigan State, No. 4 Ohio State, Rutgers and No. 16 Penn State. Their losses were against No. 2 North Carolina and No. 8 Maryland

-Abby Tamer leads Michigan in goals with 11 and is followed by Kate McLaughlin who has 10 goals this season.

-Tamer also led the team in assists with 12 on the year. She is followed by Lora Clarke who has six, while Abby Burnett and Claire Taylor each have five assists.


-Indiana's Inés Garcia Prado, Yip Van Wonderen and Sydney Keld were named to the Big Ten preseason Players to Watch list.

-Indiana's 2023 team captains Jemima Cookson And Sydney Keld will both be team captains again in 2024. Senior Sofia Arrebola Garcia and junior Emma Thompson were also elected team captain in the spring.

-Indiana's roster consists of a trio and a few former high school teammates who are now playing together again. Maggie Carter, Javi BaezaAnd Charlotte Glasper played together at Shaker Heights High School (Ohio). Meredith Lee And Hanna Riddle played together at Assumption High School (Kentucky).




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