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Best Rockstar games that aren't open world, ranked

Best Rockstar games that aren't open world, ranked


Key Takeaways

  • Red Dead Revolver paved the way for the Red Dead Redemption series, focused on revenge in a Wild West setting.
  • Manhunt engages players with survival amidst murder, and showcases what could have been a great open-world game.
  • Beaterator offers players music production capabilities, showcasing Rockstar's versatility beyond open-world titles.

Rockstar Games could perhaps be called the king of open world titles. The studio is known for creating complex stories with likable characters, adrenaline-pumping missions, and a wide variety of different vehicles, weapons, and NPCs for players to interact with. But what about those developer games that don't allow that much freedom?



The 8 best Rockstar games that aren't available on PC

Rockstar Games is one of the most prolific and well-known video game developers, especially thanks to their creation of Grand Theft Auto

While possibly 80% of Rockstar Games' portfolio consists of open-world games, some of the developer's titles offer players a great story and an entertaining experience despite their obvious limitations on freedom. Here are the best Rockstar games that aren't open world.

5 Red Dead revolver

A story about revenge from the Wild West

May 4, 2004

Rockstar San Diego

  • Red Dead revolver laid the foundation for the Red Dead redemption franchise
  • Red Harlow tries to avenge the murder of his family at all costs

There are few games that can be considered the foundation of some of the most successful franchises in modern gaming history Red Dead revolver wears that title with pride. Serving as the precursor to massive hits such as Red Dead redemption And Red Dead Redemption 2this title follows the story of Red Harlow in his quest to avenge the murder of his family by the henchmen of his father's partner.

Featuring great combat mechanics involving firearms and gunplay that players would expect in a Wild West story, this game is entertaining and challenging. While it doesn't feature any open-world mechanics, they're hardly missed. Red Dead revolver deserves a top spot in the Rockstar Games Hall of Fame, because without it the Red Dead redemption franchise may never have existed.

4 Quest

A Death Row's struggle to survive while playing a twisted game

November 18, 2003

Rockstar North

  • James Earl Cash must escape the criminals who are out to kill him on camera
  • While the game could have been a great open world, it still shines for what it is

While the Quest franchise doesn't get as much love as it used to, it's still beloved by a number of players and remembered as part of a great era in Rockstar Games' trajectory. Quest Set in the fictional settlement of Carcer City, it follows the main character, James Earl Cash, as he must take part in a series of films involving murder and other crimes. As gang members and other criminals try to kill James, he will have to survive and fend off every threat he encounters throughout the game.


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The best Rockstar Games franchises may take time in the kitchen, but the product is always the pinnacle of achievement in the AAA market.

Many players claim that, because of the concept, Quest could have been a great open world game. And while that's true, the fact that it has limited mechanics in this regard doesn't detract from the great experience it offers, especially for novice players.

3 Beater

A music production game with great collaborations


September 29, 2009

Rock star Leeds

  • Developed in collaboration with producer Timbaland
  • Players can create their own beats and loops

2009 was a great year. EDM music took over the world and became the mainstream genre that most teens and adults listened to, and it helped propel several DJs and producers to stardom. Rockstar Games and producer Timbaland saw this as an opportunity to create something Beatera music mixer that allowed players to produce their own loops and create incredible beats with ease.

While the game doesn't have a complex plot or over-the-top game mechanics, it does its own thing very well and delivers an overall entertaining experience that is suitable for musicians and non-musicians alike. Naturally, Beater has no open world mechanics, as it doesn't even have exploration in it. However, the possibilities are endless when it comes to what players can create and how catchy their jams can be.

2 Table tennis

A fun table tennis simulator

Rockstar Games presents table tennis

May 23, 2006

Rockstar San Diego, Rockstar Leeds

  • Table tennis simulator with fun challenges
  • Players can choose between Exhibition and Tournament modes

Like Beater, Rockstar Games presents table tennis isn't really story-rich or driven by characters with a deep backstory. Instead, the title focuses on simulating table tennis and all the surrounding complexities. With different methods of serving and returning the ball, players can devise different strategies and hone their skills to defeat their opponents and crown themselves champions. While the AI ​​available in the game wasn't very advanced compared to what players can see in modern titles, it still posed a significant challenge and forced players to spend hours in the game to improve.


Every Rockstar Studio, Ranked

Rockstar Games is known as one of the most influential studios in modern gaming. Here's every studio under the company's umbrella, ranked.

Rockstar Games presents table tennis features two main modes: Exhibition and Tournament, where players compete against different opponents on different tracks. Whether players are looking for stiff competition or just want a friendly game of table tennis, this title offers them both. It goes without saying, but since the concept of this game doesn't allow for open world mechanics, there aren't any.

1 Max Payne3

An exciting conclusion to a great trilogy

May 15, 2012

Rockstar Studios

  • The game takes place nine years after the events of Max Payne2
  • Large weapon arsenal for combat variety

Max Payne3 is loved by millions of players around the world, and, along with the GTA and the Red Dead redemption franchises, was perhaps one of the big drivers for the meteoric rise of Rockstar Games. Max Payne3 follows protagonist Max Payne nine years after the events of the prequel. When he works as a bodyguard for a rich man, he finds himself in various situations with extreme danger and a lot of action. This title is proof that when a game is made with care and attention to detail, the lack of open world mechanics and the limited freedom that comes with it are irrelevant.

With a wide variety of weapons to choose from and exciting missions to complete, Max Payne3 is still able to provide newcomers with an unforgettable experience, even more than 12 years after its initial release.


Rockstar games that are hard to replay these days

Rockstar is known for making some great games, but time is cruel, and some of their most famous titles are difficult to pick up and play again these days.




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