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Table tennis gases maintains great popularity in Colorado | Sport coverage

Table tennis gases maintains great popularity in Colorado | Sport coverage



The Denver Gazette Sports Business Insider is a readers' guide to understand the influence of money, politics and power behind their favorite competitions, teams and players:

Sports Business Insider: Laws on international table tennis is still one of the most popular bets for legalized sports gamblers in Colorado.

Short version

The Colorado division of Gaming issues monthly reports of the proceeds from the state races that break down every sport through deployment points. The most recent publicly available information showed consecutive months of record betting interested in table tennis.

December 2024: $ 29,416,137,61

January 2025: $ 31,718,384.39

It represents a sharp increase compared to the previous month ($ 17,290,681,82 in November 2024) with total commitment to table tennis that surpass football, NHL and MMA.

De divisie gaming stelt momenteel gelicentieerde operators in staat om tabeltennisweddenschappen te accepteren onder 10 internationale bestuursorganen: Armeense tafel tennisfederatie, Aziatische tafel tennisunie, Challenger Series, Tsjechische tafel tennisvereniging, European Table Tennis Union, Duitse tafel tennisvereniging, Table Tennis Australia, TT Star Pro Series en Unin LatinoAmericana Deis de Mesa.

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Long version

The legalized sports bet of Colorado was launched in 2020 when the government restrictions stopped the game for most sports worldwide. International Table Tennis filled the void for many sports gamblers. Betting of interest now continues to rise on the obscure sport five years later.

The popularity of table tennis is not unique for Colorado, said Chris Schroder, the director of the States Division of Gaming. It is a popular sport throughout the country of all regulated areas of law for gaming.

Dr. Timothy Fong is a clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA and co-director of the University Gambling Studies Program. Fong told the Denver Gazette that what was surprised by the lasting force is past the pandemic of tables laws. But various factors made it possible.

International competitions, often live streamed on Sportbook -apps, are offered almost every hour of the day and especially during the evening and morning when traditional sports are not played.

The opportunities swing quickly, competitions are short and live-stetting in real time ensures almost non-stop promotion.

Fong called it an internet phenomenon with websites and notice boards that share strategies for successful bets on table tennis.

We know it is 24/7. We know that it is extremely fast, and there are tons of different bets and bets that you can place total points, winners and losers, each point, Fong told the Denver Gazette. It is really that merging technology and gambling options, where the only reason why this is popular is because you can have bets present to you in real time. You don't have to wait until the next day to get online. You sit there and a new bet appears on your screen every second.

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Important context

Tabel tennis does not receive any regular TV, newspaper or internet reporting in the United States. Sports books do not contain the sport in local advertisements. There are no recognizable ping pong stars that compete with the popularity of regular athletes such as Nikola Jokic or Nathan Mackinnon.

It evokes transparency questions about why table tennis is so popular with sports gamblers in Colorado.

The legitimacy of some international competitions has been questioned. ESPN investigated the missing integrity of Moscow Liga Pro competitions In a report of 2020. A year later, an Australian sports gambler was charged Allegedly deploying on solid Ukraine tennis matches.

Colorado reported in January 2025 that SportsBooks won a net $ 1.7 million on table tennis laws. The Gaming division takes active steps to detect possible match fixation or gamble irregularities.

We ensure that all games are regulated with high levels of integrity for all sporting events that we offer here in Colorado, said Schroder. We look at a number of things. Firstly, we ensure that it meets our legal requirements. But also that those games have suitable administrative bodies and suitable integrity controls and balances. … we work very closely with different integrity monitors who warn us of different concerns throughout the country and all over the world.

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Look forward

Problem with gambling Awareness month takes place every March.

It is designed to increase the public awareness of problem gambling and the availability of prevention, treatment and recovery services, while encouraging the caregivers to screen customers, according to The National Problem Council gambling.

In Colorado, the States Limited Gaming Control Commission recently approved more than $ 2.9 million in subsidies To offer meaningful financing and to encourage prevention, education about gambling addiction, additional counselors, public awareness, treatment, recovery, data and research in Colorado.

The problem gambling coalition of Colorado received various subsidies. Jamie Glick is the president of the coalitions and said that legal gambling has increased the need for services Problem gambling center in Lakewood who are free for the public.

We have nearly 300 engagement per month in the problem gambling center, said Glick. I also think that a demographic change saw. Historically you can with many older people and people who are casino gamblers. Now they saw higher cases of white men between 25 and 40 years we see as the most affected by sports betting. (They are also) earners with a higher income.

Table tennis betting is a piece of a larger image that makes addiction possible.

I have not had patients who show up for our gambling treatment program where the main reason they have a gambling problem is table tennis, Dr. Fong, an addiction psychiatrist since 2005. They bet on many other sports. But it certainly does not help to improve their lives. … because of the 24/7 non -stop availability.




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