'Boo Me, but not the Boo team': David Warner | Cricket -Nieuws

New Delhi: Former Australia Batter David Warner is no longer the prospect of being boosted by English cricket fans during The hundred This summer. In fact, he welcomes the challenge.
The 38-year-old opener will make his debut in the competition after he has been picked up by London Spirit in this week's design. Warner has often encountered a hostile reception in England, with tensions that reach a peak in the 2023 Ash At Lords that Jonny Bairstows follows controversial punches.
“I actually want them to come to Australians. I love things like that. That's what gets me going,” said Warner. “If they want me Boo, Boo Me, but Boo the team or something not.”
Warner reflected on his return to men, Spirits Home Ground, Warner recognized the potential for a charged atmosphere. “Well, I have to wait until I step on that field and see how they react. I first have to walk past the long room to get to the dressing room, so that will be interesting,” he said.
“But this time I play for London Spirit, not for Australia. And above all, I have to find out if the Lords lunches are just as good for the hundred as for internationals!”
Warner looked ahead to England 2025-26 Ashes Tour of Australia and spoke doubts about the effectiveness of Brendon McCullum and Ben Stokes aggressive style of Testcricket, known as 'Bazball', in Australian conditions.
“I don't know if 'Bazball' is still something in England, but I just can't see it working in Australia,” he said. “With the bounce and the types of fields that Australia set in England last time, it would be a risky approach. You want to wear the field and take the game to days four and five, and that style does not really allow that.”
Warner also rejected every idea to provide insights about Australian players to his English teammates at London Spirit. “I'm sure I get a lot of questions, but I won't give anything away,” he said.
Although Warner briefly considered retirement last year for the series of Australia against India, when the team struggled to find a reliable opening partner for Usman Khawaja, he insists that his international career is over.
“That was just a matter of setting up my hand if necessary, with boys who fell on the left, right and middle,” Warner explained. “But I am good and really finished at the international level. As much as ID likes to be part of another Ashes series, that chapter is closed to me.”
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