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ITTF Africa President, Wahid Oshodi praises Tunisia for setting up a new benchmark for table tennis tournaments in Africa

ITTF Africa President, Wahid Oshodi praises Tunisia for setting up a new benchmark for table tennis tournaments in Africa




Wahid Enitan Oshodi, president of the African Table Tennis Federation (ITTF Africa), has praised the Tunesia Table Tennis Federation (TTTF) for determining a new standard in the organization of tournaments in Africa in Africa with the successful hosting of the ITF Africa Cup in Tunis.

Tunisia has again silenced doubters with the flawless execution of the 2025 ITTF Africa CupThis year is praised as one of the best organized continental tournaments. The quality of the game, the location and the seamless live streaming of competitions ensured that the tournament stood out. ITTF President Petra Sorling also praised the leadership of the TTTF, led by Lotfi Guerfel.

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Oshodi emphasized the expertise of Tunisia in organizing world -class events: “I am very satisfied with what we have seen in Tunisia, especially with the African Club championships. The location was fantastic and we saw new young players coming up. The dedication of Tunisia and the knowledge and capacity of the team are what we need to build throughout Africa. I congratulate Lotfi Guerpel and his team on their excellent work. “

He emphasized the importance of achieving international world class standards in the next four years.

Sorling expressed her satisfaction with the event and explained: “The play level is extremely high and it is encouraging to see the young generation on board. There is a great future for table tennis in Africa. Tunisia has been a solid organizer proven with a great team. “

Sorling also emphasized the importance of bringing the world championships to Africa in Durban 2023, and noted that the high level of playing at the Tunisia event is a legacy of that decision.

Lotfi Guerpel is determined to continue this momentum and confirm that Tunisia wants to organize more tournaments soon. He emphasized that hosting such events not only helps to build infrastructure, but also discover new talents for the country.

“I want to thank the members of the local organizational committee (LOC) for their excellent work during the ITTF Africa Cup 2025. I also have to thank all our sponsors. We are really satisfied with the performance of both the African Club Championships and the Africa Cup. We had memorable moments to watch playing at a high level and new young players who progressed, “ Said Guerpel.

He added, “Organizing many tournaments is a great opportunity to make table tennis more visible to our sponsors, to attract more young people to the sport and to increase the popularity.

“Organizing the event in Tunisia is beneficial because it enables our players to participate in lower costs, culture and tourism promotes, and we would like to do more.”

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