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Former Raines High, Gators, Jets Football Star dies

Former Raines High, Gators, Jets Football Star dies





  • Former NFL -wide recipient and Jacksonville -resident Derrick Gaffney died at the age of 69.
  • Gaffney was an All-City athlete at Raines High School and played university football at the University of Florida.
  • He was prepared by the New York Jets in 1978 and played in the NFL until 1987.

Derrick Gaffney, who was aware of a celebrated Jacksonville Athletic Family during a Golden Age at Raines High School on its way to football success at the University of Florida and the NFLs New York Jetsdied on Wednesday at the age of 69.

His cousin, municipal councilor Reggie Gaffney Jr., described him as a “beloved father, mentor and power pillar for our family”, in which the news was announced in a press release on the Times-Union and other media.

“The name Gaffney has long been associated with perseverance, excellence and service, either on the field or in politics. From a prominent Jacksonville family of five boys, my uncle Derrick embodied these values, just like my father and uncles did in public service,” said Reggie Gaffney Jr. In his statement.

Derrick Gaffney was part of a multi-generation family of athletic success that came from Raines: his brother, Don Gaffney, then started with Quarterback for the Gators; Two other brothers, Johnny and Warren, also played football on UF; And his son, Jabar Gaffney, won the very first Florida High School Athletic Association Football Championship for a public school in Duval County, while he was in Raines in 1997, prepared by receiver for the Gaters from the Steve Spurrier era and continued with a decade nfl career.

In a feature film from 1999 for the series of Times-Union of Jacksonville's largest 100 athletes of the 20th-century series, Don Gaffney said that the basis for the football future of the brothers started at home.

“I always threw fits to Derrick,” said Don Gaffney. ” 'I would pretend to be Johnny Unitas and Derrick was Raymond Berry [Baltimore Colts teammates in the 1960s]. Then I switched to becoming Fran Talkenton when he was at the Minnesota Vikings. “

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In Raines under Jimmie Johnson, Derrick Gaffney won the first Team All-City awards as a broad recipient in 1972, where he was part of a Vikings team that remained unbeaten on the field in successive regular seasons.

He played university football with the Gators under Doug Dickey, part of an attack with a strong Raines taste, with colleague Vikingen Don Gaffney and Terry Lecount at the time also important members of the UFLine -up. He still has a place in Florida's record book with a 99-Yard Touchdown reception of Cris Collinsworth in 1977 against Rice.

Selected in the eighth round of the 1978 NFL design by the Jets, he played with the AFC East-Franchise from 1978 to 1984, as well as a two-game Stint during the 1987 strike.

Gaffney participated in 100 NFL matches in total with New York, starting with 69, with 156 passes for 2,613 yards and seven touchdowns before knee injuries delayed him. His most productive year was 1978, when he made 38 receptions for 691 Yards and three scores. He also helped the jets to the AFC Championship match in the 1982 season, in which New York lost to the Miami Dolphins.

After his NFL days, he spent years in the business world with American Express, but also helped with the gaming career of his son, Jabar, to coach him in Pop Warner Ball with the Northwestern 49ers.

“He always pushed me up during those training sessions in Scott Park,” said Jabar Gaffney in a position of 2024 Times-Union as part of the Jax Greatest 100 series, in which Derrick and Jabar Gaffney were the only father-son couple. “He taught me how to perform routes and process the game. He wanted me to be better than him. I would be him, 2.0.”

A viewing is planned from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday 28 March in Emanuel Missionary Baptist Church, 2407 SL Badger Jr. Circle, on Northside Jacksonville. Funeral services take place at the same location at 11 am Saturday March 29.




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