Attempting Covid-19 vaccination is a bit like the “Hunger Games,” according to the New South Wales Minister of Health. Blood Hazard provided a bitter review of...
In Melbourne, a surprising surge in cases was recorded just days before the 14-day lockdown ended. Health officials are rushing to contain a mysterious cluster involving...
As Victorians settle in for another seven days of lockdown many are wondering why its state seems so prone to outbreaks and restrictions. Australia’s biggest cities...
An extension of Victoria’s “Circuit Breaker” lockdown was confirmed days after the state recorded an increase in Covid-19 infections. The lockdown was originally scheduled to end...
Australian scientists on a mission to discover the origin of COVID-19 in China are promised access to the lab where the “Wuhan Bat Woman” works. Australian...
One of Australia’s top viral experts outlined in detail the country’s unprecedented challenges when the vaccine program was launched. Australians COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If...
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