Junk food characters such as Tony the Tiger, Pillsbury Dawboy and the popular Paw Patrol Corps contribute to the promotion. unhealthy diet in Canadian children, according...
Studies show that weight loss surgery is on the rise among American teenagers and children. A new research letter JAMA Pediatric JournalMetabolic and bariatric surgery among...
Dublin—Children’s gut microbiota (including species type and diversity) at age 3.5 years is associated with higher BMI values at age 5 years, and changes in BMI...
In a recent study published in The forefront of pediatricsresearchers discuss the psychological and physiological effects of obesity on the pediatric population and intervention strategies that...
in the United States, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly 1 in 5 children are obese. Since the 1980s, the number of obese...
The Obesity Medical Association (OMA), a clinical and educational leader in obese patient care, announced this month that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announced the...
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