A church in the heart of a small Western Australian town held its final service before being demolished due to earthquake damage. In order to build...
One year after the devastating earthquake that struck Turkey and northern Syria on February 5-6, Brother George Saby spoke to Vatican News about the trauma that...
The relentless coverage of White Christian nationalism is spreading a racist myth: that Whiteness is the default setting for evangelical Christianity. CNN’s Victor Blackwell speaks to...
*** Warning: distressing images Horrific scenes following an explosion at a hospital in Gaza City continued the day after the blast, with terrible suffering and grief...
The Gaza Health Ministry says at least 500 people have been killed in an airstrike on a hospital compound in the centre of Gaza City. Israeli...
September 2, 2022 – Black Americans who go to church and pray regularly have better cardiovascular health than black Americans who are not religious or hold...
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